chapter 3

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i turned around and gasped. a tall green lizard was glaring down at both of us,its hands were dripping with slime.i let out a loud scream and the lizard lunged at me.the doctor suddenly jerked me away and i was left gasping for breah."you ok clara?"he asked me and i just nodded since i could hardly breathe. the  doctor pointed his screwdriver at the lizards face and it let out a loud slumped to the floor,lifeless and still.the doctor tugged me out of my room and to the console room."now that thats dealt with,where would you like to go clara?" he asked me happily as if nothing had ever happened.well let me tell you something when i told him where i wanted to go we ended up running for our lives.what a suprise! well anyway lets carry on."can we go to hawaii?" i asked and the docto grinned. he pushed several buttons and the tardis gave a sudden jerk.the doctor went to the door an flung it open.sunlight drifted in through the gap,blinding me so i had too cover my eyes.i let out a gasp and the doctor chuckled.he grabbed my arm and dragged me into the hrsh sunlight. "we're at a beach clara lets have some fun!" he yelled and then i felt him lifting me up from the ground.i let out a horrified shriek."what are you doing doctor!" i screeched but his reply was nothing but a mere chuckle. he ran towards the sea and the cold realisation hit me.he let go of me and threw me into the cold water. i let out a piercing screech and when i surfaced the doctor was laughing so much he began crying.i let out a small chuckle and soon we both were rolling around laughing our heads off.suddenly there was a roar from behind me.i turned round to see a a green snake.but not just any snake.this snake was huge. it was taller than the doctor and i it was taller than my house. it was probably taller than a double decker bus! i stared in shock,totally paralysed and i let out a soft whimper.the doctor grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the sea.we ran faster and faster furiously searching for the tardis,but it had just disappeared. another roar errupted from behind us and i let out a scream.we were running,faster than we had ever run before and i suddenly caught sight of the tardis."DOCTOR THERE'S THE TARDIS QUICK QUICK LETS GO!" i screeched and before i knew it we were both safely inside.i double over,panting for breath and i looked at the cotor to see that he was doing the same."what was that?" i asked when i had finally got my breath back."i don't know but whatever it was must hate me" he mumbled as he began pulling more levers and pushing, ridiculously, more buttons."WELL EVERYTHING HATES YOU!"i snapped then i slumped to the floor and groaned."can't we go somewhere where we're not chased by some hungry thing?" i complained,throwing my arms in the air but the doctor just sighed. eventually i got bored and headed back to my room


i pressed buttons on the control pad after clara had left to go to her room and the tardis gave a sudden jerk.i looked outside and saw that we had landed.i silently tiptoes out of the tardis but before that i instructed it to not let clara find out i was gone.i had some exploring to do.i had just found a new planet and i was dying to see what was in it,but unfortunately it might have some dangers so i decided that it would be best to leave clara out of this.i ran my hands across the dusty stone walls that were surrounding a small fire which was flickering. i ran around the small planet until i entered a was pretty dark but i managed to catch sight of a bright white light.i ran towards it and realised that it was a room.i stepped inside and gaped at my surroundings.the were control panels and screens and slaves and workers and robots,cybermen,daleks,transporters and everything!i whistled and one of the workers turned to me."who are you"she asked me while eyeing me up and down curiously yet fearfully.i chuckled softly"why ma'am you can call me the doctor" i said."and whats your lovely name then?"i asked while shaking her hand."my name is bella" she said."what areyou doing here?" she then asked and i grinned."why bella i was just exploring this fine land you have here" i said motioning to our surroundings.bella snorted."sure you are"she said an then the whole room turned red and lights were fashing on and off,an alarm was going off and it kept repeating the one word which made me horrified and for the first time in my life i decided to run.the word was intruder.

the 11th doctor and clara love storyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz