Friendship? Or more?

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Taurtis had told the boys about his problem. About him beig deaf. The only thing he needed to do now, was apologize to Sam. He was laying down in one of the beachchairs next to the swimmingpool. Dom and Grian were still at the caravan playing games. Sam was going for a swim and would soon be joined by the other two boys. Sam resurfaced as Taurtis watched his every move. He really needed to talk to him. That's it! He was going to talk to him. Sam left the pool and picked up his towel a few beds away from Taurtis as he starting drying his wetted curly hair. Taurtis stood up from his chair and started walking over to Sam who soon shot him a glare. Taurtis was fazed by his sudden action. Sam wasn't the one to be hostile or even mad. He would always shyly come to Taurtis whenever they fought. This time sure seemed different. Sam turned to face Taurtis as he now stood in front of him. Taurtis wasn't wearing his headphones. He never did near the pool? Sam's expression was far from kind or forgiving. "What do you want?" He growled at Taurtis. Soon enough a few people around them noticed the tension and grew worried faces. Dom and Grian on the other hand were watching the scene from a save distance from behind the gates. Taurtis gulped at Sam's behaviour. He really messed up. Well what did he expect? "I wanted to apolo-" "Fuck off." Sam interrupted him. Sam gave him a deathly glare as he picked up his towel and swung it over his shoulder. Sam's expression scared the shit out of Taurtis. Taurtis tried to stop him as he shook his head in embarrassment. He felt so hopeless. Sam stood in front of him waiting for Taurtis to say something as he struggled to find the right words. Taurtis sighed in defeat. "Can we talk? Somewhere else?" He asked as he shyly put a hand in his neck. Sam was clearly angry and upset. I wouldn't blame him. Sam sighed and motioned Taurtis to follow. As the obedient dog he is he followed Sam.

Grian and Dom were watching to two bickering kids as they worried for their friends. "They're fucking idiots." Dom exclaimed. Grian turned to him with a scowl. Sheesh even Dom was affected by their behaviour. "Let's go inside and wait for them to return." Grian proposed as the two went back inside the caravan.

Sam let Taurtis to the field Taurtis had visited a few times before. It was private and secluded. Nobody could bother them there. Sam stopped in his tracks and turned to Taurtis. "Speak." Sam stated as the confused Taurtis couldn't even figure out his best friend. What the hell? Taurtis was lost for words as he couldn't look Sam in the eyes. "I uh, uhm." Taurtis stuttered. Why was he all shy around Sam when he acted like this? Did it intimidate him? Sam raised an eyebrow. "Sheesh, acting all tough at first but can't get a word out when in a fight? Pathetic." Sam insulted as he gave Taurtis a challenging look. Hell yeah Taurtis was intimidated. He hadn't seen this Sam before.
Sam came closer to Taurtis as their faces were just inches away. "Can you even hear right now?" Sam asked as Taurtis flushed immediately.

Taurtis could hear since he was using a hearing aid for in the water. The hearing aid did only make the surroundings sound more canned. Which was the reason he didn't use it a lot.

Sam smirked at his response and redded face. "Really? So easily?" He teased Taurtis as he flicked his nose. He returned to his original position. Sam was growing a bit overconfident as his back was faced to Taurtis. He sighed and turned around again. Taurtis just watched Sam as he didn't even speak. "You know. I really hate what you did." Sam told Taurtis giving him a faul look. Sam again came closer and was just inches away from the raven's face. He closed their distance by giving him an eager and wanted kiss. Sam quickly pulled back as Taurtis was left stunned and confused. Sam looked pleased but upset at the same time. "I'll find a way to get you back." Sam told Taurtis with a grin he really shouldn't trust.

Untill heaven's end  // Saurtis fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora