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The next morning Grian was up early before the other three. He was on his way to get a few items for their breakfast. The camping they are staying at has a small supermarket near the entrance. Grian was walking down a pavement consisting of gravel. With not a lot of people around this early in the morning Grian was left with the quiet chirps from the birds, the cracking of the rocks under his feet and his own thoughts.

Grian arrived at the supermarket and made his way inside. He was only going to get a few things. He grabbed the necessary items and went to check out.

'Well shit' was the first thing Grian thought. He frowned and sighed. 'Of course France uses Euro's. It's in freaking Europe' He did have Euro's with him but he didn't know how to use the currency. It was quite similar to pounds, but not even close to yen. Sam and Taurtis used dollars back when they were in America so they couldn't help. 'It should be fine' He encouraged himself and paid for the items, he had no idea what he got back in money, they said it in French as well, so confusing.

It didn't take Grian too long to recover and he soon returned to their caravan. Taurtis was still in his pjamas as he was setting up their table and chairs for breakfast. But even that didn't go as planned. He tripped over his own feet when he tried to dodge a chair which was falling over. He landed in the grass face first. Grian chuckled and set the items on the table. Taurtis sat up and brushed himself off. He then spotted Grian and gave him a tired smile as he yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey there sleepy head, are the other two still asleep?" Grian asked with laughter still evident in his voice. Grian then started to unpack his groceries. Taurtis hummed as response and placed the cutlery on the table. With an exhausted sigh he sat himself down on one of the chairs. Taurtis then opened the door to the others again.

"Wake up you idiots, breakfast!" He called out and closed the door again.
A few seconds later Dom came out of the caravan and sat down. Dom sat next to Grian and Sam would sit next to Taurtis. "Why so earlyyy!?" Dom complained as he dragged the y. He rubbed his eyes and yawned a cute yelp.

'Oh what was Grian supposed to do about this'. Sam then stood in the doorway in a long pyjamas dress. Taurtis looked him over as Sam ruffled his bedhair. "Sam, could you get some stuff for the bread?" Dom asked Sam who nodded and turned back around to get the things.

Taurtis was humming as everyone was eating and Dom shot him an occasional glare for it. Grian didn't fail to notice Taurtis' good mood either.

He then filled a glass of milk for himself as Sam nudged him to fill his as well. Everyone around the table was quiet as they were eating. "You seem to be in an awfully good mood today Taurtis" Grian's  question came out more like a statement. Taurtis stopped and looked over to Grian. He swallowed his bite and drank a bit to get it down. "That's right" Taurtis confirmed and he took another sip from his water as he eyed Grian.

If Taurtis wanted to play, Grian would play along. "And how is that Taurtis?" Grian continued as now Dom and Sam started listening too. Sam slowed down. Taurtis grinned. "Wait a minute" Sam muttered.

"Sam and I got together" Taurtis said.

Sam choked on his piece of bread as Dom stared at Taurtis wide-eyed and then moved his gaze to Sam. Grian smirked and turned to Sam who was trying to recover. "Bout time" Dom commented as he pouted and looked the other way. Taurtis grinned and messed up Dom's hair who tried to hit the taller ones arms away. Grian gave them a frown. "Congratulations. Please don't do anything in the caravan" he added as Sam now choked on his water. "Guys! Please don't kill me this early in the morning" Sam commented as he wiped his mouth and let out a sigh. Just for effect Taurtis put an arm around Sam's shoulders. "Why are we up this early anyway?" Sam asked when he pinched Taurtis' side. He knew Taurtis was playing around. Taurtis retreated his arm and smeared himself another piece of bread. "We're foinf to fhe lake down fhe moumsain" Taurtis explained with the bread already halfway in his mouth. Sam then send a questioning gaze to Grian to see if he understood shit of what Taurtis just said. "Sheesh Taurtis. Talk before you eat" Grian sighed. "What Taurtis was trying to say is that we are going to the lake that's down the mountain" he explained. Sam nodded and mouthed him a thanks. "S'pose I'll go and get ready  then" Sam said as he started to clear the plates of the table. As he walked by Taurtis he stopped. There were crumbs all over his clothes, his hair was messy, he was wearing only one sandal, there was dirt on his pants and to top it all his shirt fell half over his shoulder. But that last one could be percieved as sexy. Sam looked at Taurtis and then at Grian. "What?" Taurtis asked them confused. Grian sighed and hurried Sam inside.

"You're the one that said yes to a sloven like him" Grian whispered with a grin. Sam chuckled.

"I heard that!" Was yelled from outside the caravan.

Untill heaven's end  // Saurtis fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now