I guess I've been tagged?

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Well I was tagged by TheAmityTribute , and frankly I don't really know if I am doing this right so I'm just following their lead. Here goes nothing! 9 facts about me are:
- Favorite Band: Queen
- Favorite Food: Bacon, Steak, and Cheese
- Favorite Drink: Vanilla Milkshake
- Favorite Song: Currently Shiver by Gazette and Bohemian Rhapsody (both Queen and Panic at the Disco!)
- Favorite Movie: This one is hard but I'll have to go with Zootopia (it's just so flippin' funny!)
- Favorite show: (this is separate from anime or else we'd be here all day/night) Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Kim Possible, Danny Phantom, and Mysteries at the Museum
- Favorite color: White (though it's not really a color, I like to consider it one)
- Favorite Sport: Soccer (I have been playing for 11 years)
- Favorite Game: Hmm...this is difficult so I'd have to say that I love to make people to my dirty work for me! (Cackles evilly) I also like 'Heads Up!'

I guess I have to tag random people now so sorry if you don't want this but too bad: alyh1214 _LavaStoneMC_ Edward_State_Midget lets-play-a-game Triangles_Will_Rule just_another_clod_ angellie2426 Linda251

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