Tagged I Presume?

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Hello! It seems as if I have been tagged by ! Apparently, I was asked to answer these questions and so I shall!

1) Favorite Anime? - Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood (Though the original is good, I prefer Brotherhood since I read the manga originally)

2) Second favorite anime? - Fairy Tail or Black Butler or Hetalia or Death Note (I can never decide)

3) 4th favorite color? - Silver

4) What's your Sexuality? - Bisexual

5) What's your Chinese Zodiac? - I apologize but I do not feel comfortable answering this question, considering Chinese Zodiacs can date back to birth years and can be recorded using basic investigation skills...and I have been watching too much Death Note, L is starting to rub off on me again

6) What's your eye color? - Blue

7) Name two videogames you like. - Galaga and just about any Sonic the Hedgehog game.

I summon the following to answer these back!!


My Sketches :3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz