This again!

220 11 9

Hello people of this dimension! I have been tagged by lets-play-a-game so here we go:
- Where were you born: A hospital duh! (Sorry but I'm not putting my real location up, for all I know you could be Jack the Ripper)
- Lucky number: -8! No one ever thinks of a negative number! (That actually is my lucky number)
- Spirit animal: Happy the exceed
- What country do you live in: Though my body is here, my mind is in space
- If you could be any animal, what would you be: a lioness
- Favorite Mythological Creature: I don't know if this counts but demons! I know how to summon/banish them and my favorite characters in tv shows are usually the demons
- Siblings: I have * ******** ***** (That's a little personal)
- If you could eat at only one restaurant for the rest of your life, what would it be: El Gran Rodeo (best steak fajitas with melted cheese sauce ever!)
- Favorite instrument: Harpsichord (or keyboard)
- Can you whistle: Yes

I feel really bad for tagging people but I'm just picking at random so here it goes: ROCKREADER1001 ShioryIgnologia77777 queen_of_fate GirlsLikesGirls

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