Over and Done

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Take a wild guess on what the title means...

Also, this is rushed...and it's the conclusion....I apologise, ;_;

(Remember, some characters may be out of character, BUT IT'S WRITTEN BY ME, AND I DIDN'T MAKE THESE CHARACTERS: It's by Cary & Micheal Huang....) 


"So, do you end up feeling the same way?" Ruby asked, walking up to Golf ball, who glared back at him. "It's platonic, nothing more." "Wow, you're in some serious denial." Pencil groaned folding her arms. "Then again, I should expect that from a bossy bot." She chuckled, getting Golf Ball to groan. "Shut up Pencil." She growled at Pencil before running off to find and comfort Tennis ball. "What did you tell her Coiny?" Firey walked up to Coiny who folded his arms. "None of your business Firey!" He yelled out, before pulling out a photograph, he stared at it for a few seconds before throwing it on Firey which burn't into ashes. "What was that for?!" Firey yelled back, only to get slapped in the face by Coiny. "We are continuing the party, so don't question it anymore!!" He yelled back, walking off. Despite some awkwardness, everyone soon back into the groove of the song.

Tennis Ball had ran for a while till he grew tired, and decided to lay down under the tree, processing what just happened at the party, he had just admitted his feelings to her, in front of almost everyone, which he had never thought of doing, and even regretted it, as this can horribly impact on Golf Ball if she didn't like him back, he felt bad for doing so. He no longer cared who found him insane, he just let out his sadness and cried till he felt relaxed enough to face GB. As he tried to relax, a voice caught him off guard, and he quickly stood up and turned around only to see Golf ball yelling out for him. He took three deep breaths before getting up and standing near the tree, catching Golf ball's attention, she walked up to him and both stood in awkward silence, letting Golf Ball take note of how red her partner's eyes were and how shaky he seems to be. 

"You hate me now do you?" Tennis Ball breathed sadly, wiping the tears out of his eyes. "Hate?" Golf Ball questioned slightly enraged, getting her partner to nod. "Despite letting everyone know about this 'crush' you have, and now everyone seeing me as ungrateful for not accepting it." She groaned under her breath, getting TB more concerned, she looked up at him, slightly red in the face. "I...I..." She took a deep breath, then silently mouth three words. "What?" TB asked, confused to what she said. "I have the similar feelings are you." Golf ball replied quickly, only for things to go silent again, and TB stared at GB surprised after figuring out what she mean't, mouthing out a 'what?'. "B-But you said it was platonic!!" He yelled at her, the tone of sadness still hinted in his voice. "I know I've said that!" Golf ball yelled, quickly sighing. "I just don't feel exactly comfortable having everyone here know, especially with Coiny who nags us." She continued. "I'm sorry then." TB apologised, kicking the ground. "It's fine, there was a good forty six percentage chance of one of us admitting it out loud." Golf Ball replied. 

"I really did mean what I said at the party." TB added. "I figured that out from everyones reaction." Golf Ball replied, seeing her partner walk up to her. "I never regret befriending you, I never regretted us becoming a duo, my only regret," He took a deep breath, leaving Golf Ball confused. "I only regret making our first kiss weak." He quickly prepared himself before kissing GB on the lips for a second time, only difference been his partner kissing back. They both soon pulled away, and chuckled at the fact they probably didn't kiss right, but they didn't care, they both felt proud for finally telling each other the truth.. "So uh..." Tennis Ball began, chuckling. "You wanna head back?" Golf Ball thought about it. "I don't wanna face anyone at this moment and let them ruin the moment." She smirked up at TB who nodded. "I just want to sleep now." She yawned, rubbing the sleepiness in her eyes. "Whatever you want p-partner." TB stuttered, he let GB get on top of them, as they both walked back to their place. Tennis ball still nervous of how everyone else will take the situation for the next couple of days, but he was just happy that he got to realise it all out and GB took it calmly and even loved him back as well, and it was all he ever wanted after all those years after hiding his true feelings from her over and over.


And after the cringe fest, I'm done with this series! YAY!! I hope ya'll like it!! BYE! :D (Sorry if this chapter is a disappointment)

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