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That flight was the worst. Yes, it was the royal private jet but if you've been on it for 15 hours, you'd get sick of it.

We just landed at the London Heathrow airport.

If only these people could stop feeding me. I can't even get of this plane. I had a vegetable lasagna, a glass of apple juice,at then later Marnie-- my personal assistant brought me a shrimp salad.

I don't really like to call her a personal assistant, cause she's kinda my friend. But that what my mom says she is.

I know people say air plane food is nasty, but that shrimp salad was really delicious, and food here is actually the best.

I'm really gonna miss America. Normally, I go home to see my family, but then I go back.

I know, it's sad but I also really miss home. I really miss my friends, my family, Marnie. My personal assistant, I haven't seen her in so long. But she was on the plane, and I made her sit next to me just so we could talk, even though she had to work.

I hate people having to do things for me. They got all my luggage, and we went out side to wait for the limo to come pick me up.

In America, I never let anyone do anything for me.

I let all the workers my mom sent with me to have a holiday. They still got paid cause my mom didn't now. I was actually living a normal life, and it was the best.

I know I was risking them losing their jobs. But no one would find out.

Eventually, I left the house-- sorry, mansion! That my mom rented for me. And moved in to the campus, and let the workers stay there.

That is also one of things that my mother did not know.


Ellen: so, how was college?

My mother started the conversation. I've been home for about an hour now.

I have to say, I do miss having all this space. The dorms were really tight, but now that I'm back at the palace, I've got so much space. My bedroom is huge. It's like 5 times one dorm room. And I really missed my queen size bed.

Honestly, I missed everything about England.

Laura: It was alright. They are going to email you my results in 4 days.

Ellen: I've already filled in your application for university.

University?! I completely forgot about that.

How could I seriously forget about the most important part!?

But thank god my mother already--- wait! My mom filled out my application!!?

Laura: mother! You can't do that.....I haven't even chosen which one I wanted to go to.

Ellen: oh, I already have. You're to going to Cambridge University.

Cambridge?!.....That's the last place I would choose. That's a school full of super smart people. There's no way I'd get in.

Laura: mom-- I mean, mother. That was supposed to be my choice.......I just want to go to East London.

Why does my mom have to be so controlling? I've only been her for about an hour and a half, and I'm already arguing with her.

I don't want to go to Cambridge. I just want to go to East London. Does it matter what university I go to? In the end, I'm still gonna be the queen.

I really wish I wasn't the first child. My little sister Hannah is really lucky.

She's always saying I'm lucky, cause I'm gonna become queen, But I honestly don't want it. I don't even want to get married!..at least, not now.

but apparently, I have to.

Ellen: Laura Marie Marano....you are a princess. And princesses should never raise their voices.

Laura: yeah. Only in princess stories they don't.

I mutter.

I bet you guys thought my life was fun, didn't you?

Living in a huge fancy house, and not even having to lift a finger?

Well, it's not that fun.


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's the first paaaaarrrtttt!!!!!



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