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He whispered in my ear, as I quickly turned around.

Oh my god.

He was actually standing right there, and I just froze like a statue.

I did the first thing that came to my mind, and what I really, really, really missed.

I hugged him so so tight, I was squeezing the shit out of him.

He obviously hugged back without hesitation. I know that after this he's gonna be mad at me.

I didn't really think of anything. I tried on the taxi ride here, but I have no idea.

Laura: Ross, I'm so glad you're here. I missed you so much.

Ross, I'm so not glad you're here. Can you please take the next flight back?

I'm actually happy he's here. I really missed him. But I don't want him to hate me.

Ross: me too. And guess what? I'm staying for 4 years!

He said with a HUGE smile on his face, and a fake one on mine.

4 years?

Ross is gonna be in England for 4 years.

He's gonna hate me for all the 4 years he's gonna be spending here.

Laura: T-That's amazing! Oh my god, I'm so happy!

I didn't know what to do. I really didn't know what to do. I just stood there idiotic smile on my face.

What I did next surprised him, and it kinda shocked me. Cause like, why did I do that!?

I pulled him down with his shirt and kissed him.


I mean.....I'm probably never gonna kiss him again. Cause like.....he's gonna hate me.

I pulled away when I heard cameras. Why the fuck is these journalists even at the airport.

I tried to act like nothing was happening. So I just dragged him out, and called another cab.

Laura: so uh....where are you staying?

Ross: I was kinda hoping I could stay with you. I mean......last time I was in London, I was 3 years old.

Laura: oh um......I don't think that will be possible. My mom would never let me have a guy over.

Ross:......I thought you had your own apartment.

Laura: my wha--oh! I do-- I did but.....I...

Ross: you couldn't pay rent?

Laura: exactly!.....and my moms making me move back in with them.

I'm horrible.....my lies are so bad. But he still believes me, cause he probably doesn't think I would lie to him.

Why not just tell him the truth now?

It's his fault! He never noticed!!!

If he recognised me the day we met, none of this would've happened.

Laura: but......there's a hotel not far away from my house.

Ross: wow.....Laura. This place is so fancy? Is this the area you live in?

He looked like a kid on a airplane looking out the window.

Ross: well, I guess that's okay. I can stay at the hotel until I find my own place.

Laura: yay. I'm glad you don't mind.


Laura: thank you.

I thanked the guy that opened the door for me as I walked into our living room.

Ellen: where have you been?

I heard my mom from behind me?
I'm so dead.

Laura: I was with a friend.

Ellen: just a friend?

Laura: yes mom. I promise I won't be out this late again.

I turned around about to go up the stairs.

Ellen: care to explain this?

She showed me a pictured on her iPad......and I'm so dead. It was a picture me kissing Ross at the airport.

Ellen: princess Laura Marano spot kissing a blonde boy at the airport.......care to explain?

How did they post it so fast?

Laura: what?

I snatched the iPad from her hands.

Ellen: who is this boy?

Laura: mom--

Ellen: who is he, Laura?

She was really pissed off.

Laura: mom. That's clearly not me.

I lied.

Laura: look....she's got a freckle. I don't have have freckles.

I really suck at lying.

Ellen: Laura, don't lie to me.....I know that's you. And you're wearing the same outfit.

Darn it....how stupid am I? That was 2 hours ago.

Ellen: how do you think Niall's gonna feel when he sees this?

Laura: he's not gonna see it--

Ellen: yes he will......he's probably already seen it.

Laura:......but....it's not like we like each other or anything.

Niall's not gonna mind cause he and I are just friends. Yes, were engaged. But I don't really feel like he's my fiancé.

Ellen: I don't want to see you with this boy again. I have no idea who he is, and you're not supposed to be kissing strangers.

Laura: he's not a stranger.

I can't really tell her that Ross and I dated. Cause then I'd get in trouble. My dad would never let me leave this place again until the wedding, and Hannah would never talk to me again.

Ellen: just go to bed Laura. It's late.

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