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Flight 29 to London Airport,  will be ready in 5 minutes.

Here I come, Laura.

I'm gonna call Laura when I'm at the Airport in London.

I can't wait to see her face. Her reaction will be priceless.

I just got on the plane. I found my seat, and I'm sitting next to this girl that looks about 17. With blonde hair, with blue tips. 

That kinda reminds me of the time when I dyed Laura's hair blue. I put blue dye in her shampoo. She had blue hair for a week. XD......she also didn't talk to me for a week.


The girl I was sitting next to had her head down for half the plane ride.

I even saw a few tears fall from her eyes.


Ross: hey uh.....are you okay?

Why did I just ask that!!?

???: it's nothing.

She had a British accent, like a really strong one.

Ross: but it can't be nothing.

Ross, what the hell are you getting your self into?!! Just let it go!!!

???: just some stuff going on.

Ross: like what?

Let it go! What part of let it go do you not understand?!

???: well......I was dating this guy that went to England for a vacation. He lives in Cali.

Oh I get. She came to Cali to visit him, and now she has to go back home. And she's gonna miss him lots.

Ross: you're gonna miss him, aren't you?

???: well....yeah. But that's not the problem.

Ross: what is the problem then?

I swear, my moth just talks for it self. It has a mind of its own.

???: well....2 days ago I came here to visit him. I wanted I surprise him but when I got there......I found out that everything he told me was a lie.....from I minute I met him, he's been lying to my face.

That's gotta suck. 

???: he told me he lived in a foster home. He told me that is parents and his 2 brothers and sister died in a helicopter accident. But his are parents are there, and alive. And they're filthy rich!

I know she didn't realise she was raising her voice

???: they have butlers and everything....he just lied to me.

She looked down. Poor her.

Being lied to by someone you love can really hurt.....what am I saying? I wouldn't know. XD

I'm so mean.

Ross: well.....I-I'm not really good at comforting people but....things will get better.

I definitely suck. And I know that I'll probably be laughing about how I suck later.


Ross: what's your name?

Ok. I feel like purposely trying to start a conversation with her.....but I'm not!!!

???: It's Charlotte but....everyone calls me Charlie.

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