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Ross' POV

The worst thing is going on right now.

Our plane just landed in Gambia, because of some problems.

Gambia is this really tiny country in west Africa, and I really didn't know it existed.

We have to stay here for 9 to 10 hours for them to find out what's wrong with the plane, and for them to get us another one. Doesn't that just suck?

It's really hot here. The heat killing me. California is hot too, but not like this.

Guess not gonna be seeing Laura for another day or two.

Or about 17 hours. Just depends really.


Laura's POV

Ellen: the new couple!

My mom invited Niall's family over for dinner.

Our dinning room is huge.....well, we have like 4 dinning rooms, but this one is huge.

Niall and I just walked into the room, hand in hand. I only held his hand cause mom said to.

She had the biggest smile on her face. And so did Niall's mom and step-dad.

I was wearing dark purple dress that stops just above my knees, with a pair of purple heels.

They were really cute, even though my mom didn't think so.

Hannah thinks I'm really lucky. She thinks Niall is really buff, her exact words. And really fit.

I'm not gonna lie, that is true. But....I don't like him.

We were all seated.

It was me, Niall, and Hannah on one side of the table, and Niall's mom, step-dad and my parents on the other side.

I didn't really talk much, unless I got asked questions, or anyone said something to me.

Unlike Hannah, who was having a full conversation with Niall.

Hannah: don't worry. She loves it when you her tickle her toes.

Tickle my toes?

I don't even like it when-- what is she saying that to him?

There will be no tickling of anyone's toes.

Hannah: she also like cheques with LOTS of zeros on them. If you know what I mean.

Gosh, this girl. What is wrong with her.


I've always wondered how I would get proposed to.

I always thought it would be supper romantic. Like at the top of the Eiffel Tower.....or a the tippy top of the London eye.

Never thought my marriage would be arranged.

Until my mom told me when I turned 18.

That ruined everything.

Niall: so you like me huh?

Everyone left and it was just Niall and I. So I decided to give him a tour of the palace.

Laura: I don't like you-- I mean, I don't like you like you.....I like you b-but....only as a friend. I don't have feelings for you.

That was hard.

Niall: I know how you feel. But this might. It might not be that bad.

Laura: how?

Niall: well....I don't like you either-- no offence.

Laura:....none taken.

Niall: but you never know what might happen in 10 years.......you and I could actually end up falling in love with each other. We could actually live a happy life-- I'm NOT saying that that's going to happen....but, you never know. So don't think this is it, Laura.

He knows me so well.

Niall: don't think that your life, your future...that everything is already planned out, and done. And that there's no going back.

He's right. I don't hate him. And feelings take time.

It took time before I started developing feelings for Ross.

But then again....if you're waiting for the feelings to come, will they?

Laura: and this is the last stop....my bedroom.

Niall: Damn.

Did he just cuss?

Niall: way bigger than mine.

Laura: but....don't you live in a....

Niall: I do. But your room is just bigger.

I really want him to go home now, so I can just.....lock myself in my bedroom-- which I'm not allowed to do.

I'm allowed to lock my door.

Niall: so, how does it feel like?

Laura: marrying you in a couple of months?....awful.

Niall: not that-- and hurtful!

He put his hand in his heart.

Niall: being a princess your whole life?

Laura: eh. Apart from the fact that my parents own the country. No big deal.

Niall: seriously Laura?

Laura: well...it's sucks, really. It used to be fun but......no. Not anymore though. When I turned 16, I had so much responsibilities. Speeches, invites, blah blah blah.....even in Cali I had things to do.

Niall: wow.....and I thought my life sucked.

Laura: what about your life?

Niall: my dad's disappearance, leaving my girlfriend, my best friends, and everyone else I knew.


Niall: cool.

There was this awkward silence after that.

Laura:.......so how long have you been a prince?....like, how long ago did your mom and step-dad get married? When you moved to Ireland?



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