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I'm supposed be getting married by the end of this year, which is in about 8 months.

I'm like....19 years old. I can't have a husband. Especially one I don't even like, let alone love.

Marnie: good morning princess. Breakfast will be ready in five. Downstairs.

I have to say, I really did miss my food being made for me.

That's ONE of the things I like about being a princess. But they are way more things I hate than like.

Laura: thank you, Marnie.

I freshened up real quick, put on some quick make up, and put on my dress.

I went down stairs, and into the dinning room, to find my mom, dad, and little sister Hannah waiting for me at the table.

Laura: good morning mom, dad.....Hannah.

I know what's about to happen next, cause obviously everything that has been going on for the past 24 hours has been.....

Ellen: good morning, Laura. I hope you've thought really hard about which prince you're going to marry.


I knew I saw it coming. My mom can't just let it go. I don't want to marry anyone. In fact, all I want to do right now is eat breakfast.

Laura: mom. I told you, I can't think about it if I don't want to marry any of them.

Hannah: oh cmon. You get marry a really cute prince, and become queen!.....stop acting like you don't want it.

Says the 10 year old girl sitting opposite me.

I actually don't want it. I hate it. Being a princess actually used to be fun. Now it's just.......awful.

Damiano: and you're absolutely not going to marry someone that I don't know.

Laura: can we just eat breakfast, and talk about this later--

Ellen: and he has to be someone very charming--

Hannah: and really cute--

Laura: GUYS!

You see my family?

Laura: please. I just got here, I want some time before we start talking about marriage. I know, I had a lot of time, but I'm still kinda jet lag, and really stressed out right now, and this is just making everything worst.

I still have to get to know these guys. 5 different princes that my parents have chosen, and I don't know anything about any them.

Ellen: we don't have enough time, Laura......you have to make your decision now, or we're gonna have to make it for you.


I hate my mother right now. She's trying to ruin everything.

I'm just in my bedroom, lying on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I really wish I stayed in California. I really did miss home, but.....I didn't miss this.

You don't have to get married to become queen.

And you definitely don't have to marry a prince. My mom never married a prince. My dad is part Italian, part American. But he grew up in California, and that's where he lived his whole life. Until he met my mom......honestly, I don't know why he would leave LA to come live here.

Why would he leave his amazing job in LA, just to become King of England?....

Well, that was long time ago, so I wouldn't know.

Marnie: Princess?

Marnie knocked on the door, and poked her head in.

Marnie: you have a guest.

Just then, my BEST friend! In the whole entire world came in to my room.


Jenny: Heeeeeey!!!

She hugged me so tight.

Jenny: Laura! You're back!

Laura: yeah. Hi.

I could tell she was really happy........I wish I was that happy.

Jenny:  "hi"?....that's all I get? Laura, I haven't seen you in 6 months. Come hug you're best friends!

She stopped when she realised I wasn't in the mood.

Jenny: what wrong, baby?

She always calls me baby, so don't be weirded out.

Laura:.....nothing. Just family stuff. 

I'm really happy that she's here. I love her.

Jenny: come on, girl. I know something's up.

I had to tell her. Obviously, she wouldn't leave me
unless I did.

Laura:...my parents are forcing me to get married by the end of this year....I know, you already know that......but now that I think about, it's actually coming.

I'm getting married before this year ends. And I don't even know who I'm getting married to.

Jenny: oh....Laura. It might not be that bad. You might end up really liking that guy.

That is kinda possible.....but there is a higher change that I'm gonna hate him. Cause he's gonna be a stuck up guy that only cares about himself.



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