Chapter 17

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Nathan 🌵

I have been blinded by Grace's beauty for too long. Her beauty had blinded me from seeing what she truly was - a spoilt, selfish brat!

I guess the reason I was so angry and frustrated with the world was due to my extreme fatigue and exhaustion. Life had just become too tiring.

My family was going through a tough time. We were struggling financially. My parents put on such a good show around other people, but behind closed doors they were always at each other's throats. Their constant bickering and stress was making me stressed out. Poor Tommy had to stop playing baseball, the one thing he was extremely passionate about, because my parents could no longer afford it. My parents were in a lot of debt and we were all suffering because of their financial catastrophe.

I didn't feel like working that afternoon but I needed the money. My computer was still broken and my parents couldn't afford to get it fixed or to get me a new one. Whenever I had a project I had to bug Ahmad to use his laptop just so I could get my work done. It was driving me, and probably Ahmad, crazy!

I took a deep breath before I stepped into the sandwich shop. Calm down, I told myself. As I walked into the shop I was greeted by a blonde haired girl furiously chomping on bubblegum.

"Hello Barbie," I said.

The girl rolled her eyes and replied, "Hey Nate."

Her name wasn't really Barbie, but I called her that because she looked a lot like the children's doll. She had long blonde hair which was perfectly straightened, bright blue eyes fringed by long lashes and a slim but curvy body. There was something plastic about her as well. She was extremely attractive but she had this annoying habit of constantly chewing bubblegum in a very unattractive way. Barbie and I worked shifts together.

I walked into the back room, pulled on my work t-shirt with the sandwich shop's logo and made my way to the counter, ready for another shift at the sandwich shop (I wasn't actually ready but oh well).


After work I walked home, munching on a complimentary steak sandwich from the sandwich shop. I didn't live too far away and soon I found myself walking up the cobble pathway towards my front door. I hesitated before going in. I could hear shouts penetrating through the door. My mom and dad at it again.

Before I could open the door it was opened by Tommy. He had a grim expression on his face and he was holding the dog's leash with Lemonade hanging on the other side. She tugged on her leash, excited to go out for a walk.

"Take a walk with me. You don't want to be here," Tommy said as he closed the door behind him.

Even though I was extremely tired I decided to take a walk with Tommy. He was right - I didn't want to be home.

"What were they arguing about this time?" I asked.

Tommy shrugged, "I don't know but most of the time they argue about stupid things like bank accounts and dirty dishes."

"They're just stressed. You know they're struggling at the moment."

"That doesn't give them the right to cause a racket all the time." Tommy's expression was so glum that I decided to take him to the park. I bought us ice creams on the way. I sat on a bench, licking the chocolaty cream of my ice cream, while Tommy threw a ball for Lemonade. She barked excitedly as she ran to retrieve the ball, always bringing it back to Tommy with her tail wagging happily. At least Lemonade was happy.

As I sat on the bench nibbling on my cone I thought about the conversation I had with Grace. Okay it wasn't exactly a conversation, it was more of a fight. I realised that I would need to go apologize to her. I was stressed and tired and that's why I overreacted. But I had still been right. I was trying so hard to make Grace happy but she continued wallowing in her sadness like she had a grey cloud hanging over her. Sometimes I felt like I was dating the great depression it's self! But I loved Grace. And I knew I could make her happy if I just tried hard enough.

I finished my ice cream and called Tommy. It was time to go. The sun was setting, casting it's golden rays on everything in it's reach. The surrounding clouds were many shades, from crimson red to bubblegum pink, reminding me of the candy floss I enjoyed so much as a kid. Sunrises and sunsets were one of the most beautiful forces of nature. It's amazing how something as simple as the world revolving could create such a spectacle. No matter how many sunrises or sunsets I watched I was never bored of it's golden beauty.

Tommy and I walked home in the dying light, Lemonade trotting between us obediently. We were both a little reluctant to go home but we knew that our parents wouldn't be impressed if we were late for supper. Before I stepped into the house I cast one last look at the setting sun, the golden glory biding farewell until the next day.

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