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Namjoon: okay so what should week one be? Q and A or about me?


Kook🐰: you only want a q and a because you do those all the time

Tae🤗: they are so much fun~

Jimin🍧: I feel like a q and a would be a lot better than making about me videos
Jimin🍧: like instead of having an 8 minute video with random facts nobody cares to know about
Jimin🍧: they can ask us things that they want to know

Jin👑: that's true

Jimin🍧: when I first started my channel I did get a lot of hate for doing a bunch of about me videos
Jimin🍧: I said things that didn't matter and people said that I made those videos to talk more about myself
Jimin🍧: I really don't want to start this channel off like that you know?

Namjoon: is everybody okay with that?

Tae🤗: YES

Kook🐰: yep

JHorse🐴: yes

Suga💀: my followers aren't active
Suga💀: they very rarely even comment on my stuff
Suga💀: why would they ask questions?

Jimin🍧: I could shout you out??
Jimin🍧: my followers are so active it gets annoying lmao
Jimin🍧: but yeah I wouldn't mind shouting you out

Suga💀: wouldn't that seem a little odd though?
Suga💀: our content is nothing alike and you don't seem like the type of person to like what I post
Suga💀: we haven't released who is going to be in the channel so would that make people wonder..?

Jimin🍧: it's more like people will wonder if we're actually together
Jimin🍧: because of Tae -.-
Jimin🍧: we are the newest ship so people will feed off of literally anything we say about each other
Jimin🍧: I don't they'll think anything about a collab channel

Jin👑: I wouldn't worry about it too much Yoongi
Jin👑: Namjoon and I have both told our fans that we are working on a bigger thing but I don't think people will put two and two together
Jin👑: we've never even talked to you

JHorse🤑: yeah but what about the fact that you guys and Tae started talking to each other through tweets out of nowhere and then all of a sudden Tae tweets about Jimin and Yoongi when they've never even mentioned each other

Namjoon: like Jin said, don't worry about it too much
Namjoon: if people start wondering that's completely fine because we are telling people who is in the channel by Friday
Namjoon: then hopefully we will start next Monday
Namjoon: Jimin has already made a trailer for the channel to announce the channel
Namjoon: and he is currently working on a introduction trailer for you guys
Namjoon: he's also making a banner for our channel so hopefully he'll be done soon

Jimin🍧: I'll get it done I promise

Suga💀: wow put all the stress on Jimin why don't you?

Jimin🍧: it's fine please don't worry

Suga💀: you upload Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and you're doing all of that stuff while teaching dance classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can't tell me you aren't a little overwhelmed.

Jimin🍧: please don't worry Yoongi
Jimin🍧: I'm completely fine with all of this it's good for me to keep busy

Suga💀: by the end of this you're only free day will be Sunday
Suga💀: and on Sundays you work at a pet shelter
Suga💀: how are you finding the time to do all of this?

Jimin🍧: I've got it don't worry Yoongi
Jimin🍧: it's not overwhelming at all I love doing this kind of stuff
Jimin🍧: makeup is getting pretty boring for me and singing is a hassle to edit if I mess up a bunch
Jimin🍧: so I am taking a break from my main channel until I can figure out what I want to do

Jin👑: you're giving up makeup??

Jimin🍧: no of course not I just want to do more things with my channel
Jimin🍧: I don't want to do makeup as much anymore because all of those youtubers end up forgotten or they stop making videos to focus on making their own makeup line
Jimin🍧: I don't want to do that and I don't have the money for it
Jimin🍧: the best thing for me to do is sort out what I want my channel to become and keeping me busy with different things can help give me ideas

Suga💀: please don't stress yourself out too much Jiminie

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