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Warning: This chapter contains sexuality issues so if you are sensitive to this topic please skip this chapter.

Suga💀: Jimin I need to ask you something really important just between the two of us

Jimin🎀: leave me alone you already broke up with me what more could you need?

Suga💀: what
Suga💀: what are you going on about?
Suga💀: we've never even dated

Jimin🎀: what the heck?
Jimin🎀: did I dream that?

Suga💀: lmao

Jimin🎀: IM SO O F F E N D E D

Suga💀: ???

Jimin🎀: anyways what did you need to tell me?

Suga💀: I think Hoseok, Tae, and Jungkook r all dating each other (again I'm Vhopekook trash I apologize)

Jimin🎀: ya
Jimin🎀: that's cause they are

Suga💀: r u serious??
Suga💀: dude that's dope
Suga💀: I can't even get one boyfriend and Hoseok fucking has two

Jimin🎀: I still find it weird that this whole channel is filled with gay people

Suga💀: well Namjoon is straight, he just is really into Jin. Jin's gay. Taehyung is panromantic, Hoseok is demisexual, Jungkook is just whatever he feels that day, I'm just whatever. You're completely gay right"?

Jimin🎀: idk
Jimin🎀: I find boys more attractive and I would much rather be in a relationship with somebody who identifies as male than female or any other gender.
Jimin🎀: but I've only recently been genuinely interested in somebody

Suga💀: r they a boy?

Jimin🎀: ya
Jimin🎀: and I've never been attracted to anybody but this guy so idk
Jimin🎀: would that mean I'm gay?

Suga💀: idk
Suga💀: just do what I do
Suga💀: I don't give a fuck
Suga💀: I like what I like and that's it you know?

Jimin🎀: yeah I guess
Jimin🎀: thanks Yoongi

Suga💀: no problem
Suga💀: anywhore
Suga💀: how do you think Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook fuck?

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