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Namjoon: do you have it done yet Jimin?

Jimin🍧: I'm almost there the audio messed up and it glitched out some of the clips I just need like an hour

Namjoon: we don't have an hour Jimin I need it uploaded by 12

Jinnie👑: Namjoon is really big about being on time so please hurry Jimin

Jimin🍧: okay


"Yoongi I really don't have time for your random calls".

"Are you okay Jiminie? You sound tired. Namjoon really has no compassion about this. You've said it yourself that you can't handle too much stress or you'll break and this seems really stressful"!

"I'm fine Yoongi I signed up for this. He told me I would be doing a lot of the artwork and I'll be doing a lot of editing jobs and I still accepted it. I've been doing Youtube since I was 10 I've been editing and working on art the longest so it's only reasonable I have to do all of this".

"It's not fair though! Do you need any help? Like anything... that I could give you over the phone..."

"I don't need any help. I promise I'm fine".

"You sound so tired Jiminie. Have you been sleeping".

"Uhm not... really. I got out of practice really late last night and that's when Namjoon sent me the message about the video needing to be done as soon as possible... I was going to go to sleep after. It was fine because I literally had to put in one more clip... But then it glitched... I haven't really slept in the past week. I don't like sleeping so I don't until I crash and I'm getting close to crashing but now I have so much work to do on this goddamn fucking channel that I'm choosing over my stupid main channel. Literally nobody but you seems to care about my well being and I'm so close to losing it again and I swear to fucking god if I have to listen to Namjoon saying that I have to send it to him at exactly 11:56 one more time I'm going to either kill myself or him. And if you tell me 'I told you so' about me being stressed I will fucking castrate you".

"I'm not going to say I told you so Jimin. I'm worried about you. It's important for your health to sleep whether you like it or not. You need to tell Namjoon not to put everything on you. He's the person who started the channel not you".

"I can't do that... If I do that he'll make you guys do the work a-and I won't get to do anything. It's better for me to just do everything even if I become stressed, rather than do nothing and his freeload off of you guys... T-thank you for letting me rant Yoongi. I didn't mean to get worked up I'm really sorry that you had to hear me becoming angry. I didn't mean to lash out I'm very sorry".

"Don't apologize Jiminie. I understand that you're stressed and sleep deprived. It's only reasonable that you got agitated. Just... please think of your health before your obsession to please people. You're doing great and I'll always be here if you need to rant okay"?

"T-thank you. I have to finish this now... I'll talk to you later... B-bye".

"Bye Jiminie".

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