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Four months.

That's how long it's been since mom fell into a coma.

That's how long it's been since dad started to slowly lose his sanity.

That's how long I've been having sleepless nights, crying myself to sleep in hopes that when I wake up, all of these shits will be gone.

But the world's too cruel to give me that, I guess.

I looked at the pitiful sight of my unconscious mother, laid on the hospital bed. She had all these tubes attached onto her, which connects her to all kinds of machine. I wanted to rip them off of her, but I might lose her because of that, so I contained myself.

She looked so much at peace.

...I hate it. It's like she's ready to give in and surrender to Death.

I reached for her hand to hold it in mine. It felt so cold to the touch, as if all life has been drained from it.

I locked my eyes onto her sleeping face, and whispered, wishing that my words could reach her.

"You know better than this, mom. You're strong. Please, fight this—"

My thoughts were cut off by a sudden beep, followed by a familiar feminine voice.

"H-Hey, Lia. It's Hailey and Sy." The speakers delivered their voice from outside the room. I sighed, before tapping on my mom's Terminal Device, which is connected to the room itself. "Come in."

The frosted glass door slid open for the two people to enter. They stepped in, heading straight to a table to bring down some stuff they're holding.

"How y'doin'?" The female asked me as she took a glance. I found her question to be something of formality; she clearly knows the answer. Hailey's been my private mentor for a good three years. She can easily read me in the blink of an eye.

Making contact with her piercing ruby orbs made me pull my vision elsewhere and dropping silent like the umber-haired male with her, who remained standing and leaning at the white wall with arms crossed after arranging the mess I've been making for the past few days.

"I'm still breathing." I said, albeit sarcastically, my shoulders dropping low. I let a sigh escape from my lips in hopes of trying to release a bit of the built-up tension in me, but I would know better that it wouldn't help.

I lifted my head up, looking at Syris from my position. He seems bothered, as always. He's been visiting us rather frequently since the incident. He kept me company and all, and it's kind of nice. Nonetheless, I feel like he's having his own troubles.

I was about to open my mouth and ask him about it. These thoughts are clouded inside my mind for a while now. I'm always hesitant to ask, though. I don't wanna be rude by prying into his personal life.

After all, I barely know the dude. All I know is that he's Syris Fenrir, probably the youngest Vanguard around here. I've seen him countless of times ever since we've moved here. We've spent a number of times together. They were more like bubbles of memories now, light and fragile, compared to the reality of today's world.

But I know him personally as much as how much words are written in a blank page.

Just as the words were about to escape from me, Syris stood straight and headed for the door. "I'm off to Hel. I'll be back."

I cursed, missing my chance to finally ask after gaining the courage to do so.

Wait. Did I miss my chance...?

"...I'm joining you."

My words echoed, drawing Hailey's attention. Sy's back still faced me, but I didn't mind his reactions and just went out of the door before he did. I forgot to bid Hailey goodbye, but I shrugged it off.

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