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Jessie's POV:

    Sometimes, I wish someone would've warned me about how crazy the nanny life could get. Luke is the one that usually causes the mayhem around here, come to think of it. Did I miss orientation on how to handle Luke?

   "Jessie, Luke won't stay out of my room, and he's messing with my makeup supplies," Emma complained to me.

  "Luke!" I yelled up the stairs.

  "Yes, Jessie, how can I help you?" Luke asked, rushing out of the upstairs hallway and sliding down the railing of the stairs.

  "Luke, how many times do I have to tell you to not do that? If you get hurt, your parents will kill me." I scolded him. Seriously, how many times do I have to repeat myself to the same child?

   "No worry, Jessie, I'll convince them that you're my wife. They have to treat you with respect if you're not my nanny." Luke said without a care.

   "Yeah, like that would totally save my job." Rolling my eyes at his plan, I muttered to myself. "Anyway, what are you doing with Emma's makeup supplies? I thought you hated makeup." I asked, getting straight to the point.

  "Umm....." Searching through his mind for an excuse that would get him out of trouble, Luke stared at me with a blank expression.

Luke's POV:

Ok, can a guy cause mischief and not get in trouble for it? I mean, I only needed Emma's makeup supplies to mess with Mrs. Chesterfield. Now, Jessie probably thinks something is wrong with me altogether.

I couldn't think of any excuse that I hadn't already used. So, I came up with the next best thing.

                    "I have to go do my homework." I made my way back up the stairs and towards the entrance of the hall.

  "Since, when do you do homework?" Jessie called after me. I didn't answer her question and went to go find Ravi.

Ravi's POV:

I was in my room keeping Mrs. Kipling company when all of a sudden Luke bursts through the door.

   "Ravi, can you do my homework? Thanks. You're the best brother I ever had." Luke said, dropping his homework at my feet and leaving. He never gives me any time to protest, but I don't do his homework regardless.

                 "Eat up, Mrs. K." Scooting the pile of Luke's overdue homework, I told her. I watched as she ripped the pile into shreds.

Zuri's POV:

I heard Emma crying next door, and I went to go check it out. I walked into her room without knocking beforehand. There sitting on the floor had to be one of the most tragic sites I had ever seen.

  "Emma! There's a hideous monster in your room." I yelled.

   "I'm right here, Zuri." The hideous monster said. I ran out of there as fast as I could and called for Jessie.

   "Jessie! There's a hideous monster in Emma's room and I think it ate her!"

Jessie's POV:

Just to make things clear, I don't ever get a break in this penthouse. It's always Jessie this and Jessie that. Luke did this, Emma sprayed her perfume on me, Ravi fed my late homework to Mrs. Kipling. I sometimes like to pretend that this is an audition. Just pretend like I've got everything under control and maybe I'll make it big.

  "What is it Zuri?" I ran up the stairs and walked quickly over to where Zuri was standing in the middle of the hall where all four of their rooms were located.

    "There's a monster in there," Zuri said, pointing towards Emma's room. Thinking that this was just some sort of game Zuri and Emma were playing, I walked into Emma's room to go check out the problem.

   "Oh, Emma." I didn't know what to say, as I took in her current state.

   "Does it really look that bad?" Emma asked, giving me a panicked look.

  "Uh." I didn't want to tell her the truth, so I gave her a mirror and covered my ears.

  "Ahh!! I look hideous! My mascara is messed up, and it's all Luke's fault!" Emma screamed. I gave her a tissue to wipe off the mascara that was running down her face.

"Thanks." Emma sniffled, taking the tissue from my hand and held up the mirror in her other hand. She began to fix her face up.

  "You look better," I said, examining her face.

  "Are you kidding me!?" Emma shrieked. She set the mirror down along with the wadded up tissue. "There's mascara stains still on my cheeks."

"Then, go wash your face," I suggested.

"Then, I would look even worse," Emma whined and began to let tears roll down her face.

"You don't need makeup to make you look beautiful, Emma. You're naturally beautiful, and it's more about what's on the inside than on the outside." I reassured her.

"I guess I am naturally beautiful." She perked up and swiped her tears from her cheeks. She stood up and hurried over to the bathroom.

Feeling accomplished with myself, I walked out of her room with my head held high. This job is too easy.

Bertram's POV:

I don't see why Jessie is complaining. I mean I have to clean up after all five of them. Plus or minus a few.

   "Bertram, can you please come here?" Jessie called. I was sitting on the couch reading a magazine for kitchen utensils.

"It's too far," I said, waving my hand in the direction of the kitchen.

   "There's a new kitchen utensil waiting here for you," Jessie called back in a convincing tone.

  I threw the magazine down onto the coffee table and hurried off to the kitchen. I love cooking utensils, so how could I not resist? I arrived in the kitchen where Jessie waved a duster at me. Great, I fell for that trick again.

   "It's time to dust, Bertram, so here you go," Jessie said, shoving the duster into my right hand.

  "I should've known you were going to trick me again," I mumbled unhappily.

"Then, why do you keep falling for it?" She raised a questioning eyebrow at me.

"I ask myself that same exact question, every time I fall for your new utensil trick." Still not feeling happy about the thought of dusting, I replied.

"Right," she eyed me suspiciously and started walking in the direction of the living room. "Happy dusting!" She raised her hand up and waved back at me.

Once I was sure the coast was clear of any sign of Jessie, I tossed the duster aside and headed for the stairs. I would've gone to the screening room just to sneak back into the living room, but Jessie was most likely hanging out in the living room and one of the Ross children were probably using the screening room for entertainment purposes.

Did she really think I was going to dust around this place? The only time I even give cleaning a thought is when Morgan and Christina come to visit, but I only do half the job I'm supposed to be doing.

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