Apologies And New Beginnings

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Farkle's POV:

Ravi went to sleep two hours ago, but I lay here staring up at the ceiling unable to shut my eyes without them flashing back open again. So many thoughts about how Emma is going to react, as well as everyone else's reaction to the news, are speeding through my mind. It's pure torture.

Giving up on any possibility of sleep that I may get tonight, I quietly get up from the floor and make my way towards the door. Luckily for me, Ravi leaves his door cracked open and no one bothers to turn off the hallway light before going to sleep.

                   Opening the door wide enough for me to slip out without possibly waking Ravi up, I walk out and prop the door to how it originally was. There's no one in sight, so I head for the staircase leading down to the kitchen. Why did I go for that particular staircase? Simple. Food fixes stress until it's over done. Besides, how many people are occupying the kitchen at one in the morning?

"What are you doing up this late?" A female voice hisses into my ear, making me jump on the inside.

Turning around, I come face to face with Emma. She has a hand placed on her hip, and there's an expectant look on her face. "I think we should take this conversation downstairs to the kitchen." I jab my thumb in the direction of stairs behind me.

"And, why should we do that?" She asks, keeping her voice down.

"I don't think either one of us wants to draw attention to ourselves at one in the morning." Gesturing to all of the rooms around us, I explain.

"Good point." She moves past me and takes a left.

Following closely behind her, I ask. "What are you doing up this late?"

Emma glances back at me only to look back in front of her. "I could ask you the same question, but I feel it's none of my concern at this point in time."

We both remain silent the rest of the way down. Neither one of us knowing what to say to the other. It's not until we reach the very bottom of the stairs and onto the kitchen floor that I open my mouth.

"Look, Emma, I'm really sorry for making you look like a crazy, paranoid, girl in front of everyone." I say the words quickly and slightly cringe backwards when she whips around with a gleam in her eyes.

"So, you admit that you were trying to find a way to overtake my family's wealth." She lets out a laugh wipes away a non existent tear. "You're funny, Minkus."

Raising a confused eyebrow, I ask. "What do you mean funny?"

"I mean, the fact that you're scared of me is kind of funny. Don't worry, Minkus, I'm not the only one you're going to have to apologize to. Zuri doesn't like it when people don't tell the truth."

                       "Do you think she'll accept my apology?"

                    "Oh, sure." She gives me a smile. "Right after you buy her a unicorn and some ice cream. Oh, and a piggy back ride."

                      "A piggy back ride? Isn't she in high school?"

                      "There's no such thing as being too old for a piggy back ride." Emma shrugs. "So, what's it going to be?"

                      Looking over her facial expression, I realize what she's up to. "Nice try, but you can't trick me."

                          Emma holds her hands up in surrender. "Alright, so you're not that easy to trick. But, I wasn't lying about Zuri not being the type to forgive easily." She walks over to the fridge and opens it.

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