She's Always Been A Chicken

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Lucas' POV:

I have never been so scared in my life. Luke said that we wouldn't get into any trouble, but we were definitely in trouble with this weird colored hair lady that is now covered in egg yolks and feathers.

"What is going on here?" Jessie came out onto the terrace with everyone else trailing behind her. She walks over to where we're standing and looks down. "What in the world?!" She exclaims and turns her attention directly on Luke.

                         "Since when did Mrs Chesterfield get a chicken?" Emma asks lowly, looking down below.

                         "She's always been a chicken, what's new?" Zuri asks, looking sideways at Emma.

"Bessie, you ought to get a better hold of your little beasts." The lady down below looks up at Jessie with daggers in her eyes. She looks down at her arm and hesitantly starts to pluck the feathers off of her.

"C'mon, Mrs Chesterfield, you look great as a chicken!" Luke exclaims with an enthusiastic look on his face.

                         Mrs Chesterfield looks up and glares at Luke. "How am I supposed to get this stuff off?"

                       Luke gives her a shrug. "Dunno. I only come up with the schemes, I'm not required to have any problem solving skills." He states and turns around to walk back into the penthouse.

                             Jessie hooks her arm through Luke's and stops him in his tracks. "I don't think so." She scolds him. "We're all going to stay here until you come up with a solution to fixing the mess you made."

                       "We're allowed to go in, right?" Emma turns to Jessie with a hopeful look on her face.

                      Jessie shakes her head. "Not until Luke finds a way to fix this."

                         "Thanks a ton, Luke." Emma mutters to herself in annoyance.

                          Farkle and Ravi are both analyzing Mrs Chesterfield and the state of the mess covering her.

                               "Do you have a hose, by any chance?" Farkle asks her curiously.

                        Mrs Chesterfield gives him a suspicious look. "And, why should I trust you?"

                    "Do you want to get the egg yolk off or not?" Farkle raises an eyebrow at her in question.

                     "Of course, I want to get this off of me!" She exclaims.

                          "Then, do as I tell you." Farkle tells her.

                           Mrs Chesterfield rolls her eyes and starts to look around for the water hose. Once she spots it, she picks it up with her thumb and index finger. Looking back up at Farkle, she asks. "Now, what do I do?"

                             "Try turning on the water." Zuri rolls her eyes and walks over to where Maya is standing. "We don't exactly have the brightest of neighbors." She mutters to Maya whom cracks a small smile in response.

                         I watch as Mrs Chesterfield collects the water hose and starts to use it to find where it's connected. She disappears behind a rather large plant, and I hear a screech of a knob turning. Mrs Chesterfield comes back with the hose still in her hand and annoyed look appearing on her face once again.

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