Girls Night

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            Zuri's POV:

           Everyone appears to be acting strange. Emma and Farkle are at each other's throats, even though it's mainly Emma going after him. Maya came back from Emma's room with a scowl on her face. Something must've gone wrong with Riley. I even overheard Luke trying to convince Lucas into getting into some trouble with him. That last part isn't anything strange. I mean, this is Luke we're talking about.

"What's up with you?" I ask Maya as she walks over to my closet and peeks in.

"This looks like a normal sized closet." She mutters to herself but loud enough to where I can hear her. She turns her head and looks at me. "What's up with me? My best friend is secretly a blonde, something is seriously up and cowboy is about to get himself into some form of trouble with curls."

"Yeah... Luke has a way of being persuasive with people and getting into and out of trouble." I admit and a thought automatically pops into my mind. "Lets have a girls' night!" I perk up.

Maya raises an eyebrow. "I don't believe I heard you correctly."

"A girls' night." I tell her again before explaining further. "Maybe we can all get to know each other better. You'll find out what exactly is going on while your buddy is still oblivious and no damage can come out of it. It's honestly quite perfect. We can all get to know each other better."

Maya gives me a thoughtful look and walks out of my room and into Emma's room next door. She returns a minute later with Riley trailing right behind her.

"Is Emma not in her room?" I ask the two of them.

Riley shakes her head with a slight frown on her face. "I haven't seen her since she gave me what I needed to stay the night. That was about an hour ago."

                      Getting up from my bed, I walk out of my room and head for the stairs. If I could bet all of my money on where Emma could possibly be, my money would automatically be in the kitchen stress eating.

                     "Emma?" I peek my head into the kitchen to see Emma going through the fridge. "If you're trying to find Farkle, he's not in there." I tell her.

                      Emma looks back at me with a strawberry in her mouth and a jar of Nutella in her other hand. "Strawberries with Nutella are my energy boost." She replies with her mouth full.

                     "That's not very lady like." I shake my head.

                          She finished eating the strawberry and reaches back in the fridge for another. "Being lady like is the least of my priorities right now." Dipping the strawberry into the Nutella jar, Emma says. She shoves the strawberry into her mouth and closes her eyes.

                "You're going to regret eating all of that Nutella." Leaning up against the door frame, I tell her.

                   Opening her eyes, Emma looks at me with an annoyed expression. "What do you want, Zuri?"

"I was thinking that we could have a girls' night." I shrug my shoulders.

                      "And, why would I want to do that?" Turning her attention back to the fridge, she reaches in to grab another strawberry and dip it into the Nutella jar.

                      "You're contaminating the Nutella." Pointing at the jar in her hand, I say. "Also, the more chocolate you eat the fatter you're going to get. And, lets be honest, you're already starting to get more wrinkle lines and pimples. It's time to relax, Emma."

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