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Hey, guys!

I know I just recently posted a new story, but this is a Halloween special that I have been planning for a while. I have no idea how many chapters it will be, but I will be updating it throughout October (maybe a bit into November depending on whether I finish it off on time).

Everything is made up, mainly because I don't know anything about medical stuff lol

This book is, obviously, inspired by Frankenstein but most of the storyline is different, I just used the main concept of a mad scientist creating a monster. This will be a story based on self-love and acceptance of who you are, even if you feel as if you are worse than the people around you. It's kind of a short, feel-good story with a lot of inappropriate jokes and probably some smut.



Vic trudged inside, swiping the inconvenient amounts of snow off his coat and slipping out of his heavy boots.

"Hello, Mr Fuentestein!" An enthusiastic figure skipped into the room upon hearing the sound of the front door slam shut. He rushed over to the other man, clinging onto his arm with a large smile. "Did you manage to find what you need? I was worried sick about you, there's a snowstorm outside and you're wondering around the markets and shops without a care in the world. I thought something happened to you. And why on Earth did you think that wearing such a thin jacket would be a good idea? You must have been freezing! Do you want me to make you some hot chocolate to warm up? Do you need a blanket?"

"Jaime," Vic sighed, rubbing his index finger over his temple to ease the headache which he already felt building up. He shook his arm, making his assistant let go, "please just shut the fuck up. It's been a long day and I can't be bothered to deal with you as well. Also, for you, it's Dr Fuentestein, not Mr Fuentestein."

"Sorry, sir," the boy squeaked out, sinking deeper into his shoes and deflating until he seemed half the height he was before, before retreating back to the doorframe. His gaze dropped to the ground, even though he knew that he should not be getting upset by this. It was normal for his boss to treat him this way, so there was no need for emotions to get involved. They had been working together for years so he should have been used to it by that point. But he just wasn't.

Vic shuffled around, completely ignoring his assistant who awkwardly stood in the entrance to the room. He popped his coat away, acting as if nothing ever happened. Finally, Vic manoeuvred passed Jaime and approached the door to the basement. He slipped the key swiftly out of the pocket of his trousers and opened it.

"It's the big day, Hime," he announced proudly upon hearing the boy following him down the stairs which lead to the basement. "We're finally going to make it work."

"That's what you said last time...and before that...and even earlier too..." Replied the assistant doubtfully.

"I know, I know," Vic agreed reluctantly, "but this time I'm certain it will work. It just has to! I found out what I had been doing wrong and I know how to fix it. It's going to work for sure, I can feel it.

"Mhmm..." Jaime rolled his eyes at Vic's positivity just as they reached the bottom of the stairs. "Why are you even doing this? Aren't I good enough for you?" He spat bitterly, saying the latter part more quietly so that his boss would not hear. It did not work though.

"I've said this so many times already," Vic sighed in irritation, not even bothering to look back at the boy behind him. "Jaime, we're not friends and we never will be. You're just here because I need you and you need the money. That's it. We should not try to force something that obviously isn't meant to be."

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