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this is halloween
this is halloween


It had been two weeks since Vic created Kellin. Everything seemed to be going well. The boy was very keen to learn, ate normal amounts of food, had a regular sleeping schedule, and was constantly bursting with happiness. This house had always been plain and boring, but it felt like his arrival changed everything sure the better.

The walls were still painted grey, but his bright face radiated colour onto them. The relationships here were still tense, but his beaming personality brought them to peace. The nights were still cold, but his innocence warmed their hearts. Kellin was the only good thing which had ever happened here.

It felt like things had slid comfortably into place and everything had settled down. Well, nearly everything. Jaime was still bitter towards both Kellin and Vic. He was more passive-aggressive towards the Doctor, but he was ruthless towards the boy. Jaime treated him as if he was a nuisance who did not deserve to be here. Vic truly hated this but, as Jaime was not doing any major damage, he decided to let it slide for now.

It was about 5 am when Vic woke up. He went to sleep quite early the other night so there was no wonder that he was waking up at this time. Normally he would not do this, as he was quite worried about leaving the other two boys there together but, seeing as it was so early and neither of them would be up for another couple of hours, Vic decided to go shopping.

He never really liked the stores and ended up buying most of the things he needed at the local market. They were currently running quite low on food and Jaime was beyond tired of always having to go out to buy supplies, so Vic was going to do him a favour.

By the time Vic was ready and fully equipped in his large winter coat, gloves and a scarf it was around 5:30. The sun still had not come up, but Mr Fuentestein did not mind. Being at the market at this time meant that he would be able to grab what was best before anyone else could.

He would have preferred taking the piece of junk he called a car instead of walking, but the roads were covered in a thick layer of snow. There was no way any vehicle would get through that. Every year the small town would start a petition to get someone to deal with the snow and make the roads usable but, in the end, no one would ever be bothered. And so, Vic was stuck with a 20 minute walk, through a foot of snow, in the dark.

Because of the environment, the journey lasted longer than the usual time, but Vic still managed to get to the market before anyone else. The men and women behind the stalls called out greetings to him, as they were all familiar with each other. Vic nodded back politely.

He approached the first stool which had rows of lovely looking fruit laid on it. Behind the stool stood a small blonde woman named Yolandi, who was dressed in clothes so thick they made her look like a small snowman. She had arrived in the town about three years ago. It is said that she came all the way from Africa, but no one could be sure as it was just a rumor and, as we all know, a rumor gets more twisted with each person it reaches.

"Good morning, Victor," she greeted kindly in her foreign accent and baby-like voice. "I haven't seen you in a while! You always send that other boy, Jaime I think his name is, to come here instead."

"I've been too busy to do this myself," Vic explained briefly, "and Jaime is my personal assistant for a reason."

The man scanned the stall for items which stood out to him and picked out a few which he thought Kellin would enjoy. It was almost like his entire life was centred around the boy now.

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