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Dr Fuentestein's gaze kept alternating between the heart rate monitor and the body lying on the bed. He felt as though, if he looked away for too long, either one would disappear: the heartbeat or the boy himself.

It had been a day since the experiment and, boy, had it been a long one. Kellin was in a deep sleep, which he would probably shortly wake up from. Vic had to constantly check his physical state; feed the boy through a tube; and dress him in normal clothes. The Doctor also had to deal with Jaime quitting then coming back about five times, because what happened yesterday really scarred him; clean up the basement, as it had been completely destroyed; and force Jaime to go out and buy new light bulbs, while he ordered a new computer.

Vic finally found some time which he could spend with his boy (who had been transported into the spare bedroom). As he held his cold hand, he could not help but stare at Kellin's immaculate features. His porcelain skin was so pale it was almost translucent, although it had a slight hint of rotten green to it, which was understandable. His hair, although being wild and greasy, looked shiny as ever. Vic almost felt jealous of him. The boy did not even have to try to look perfect.

Vic had been so hypnotised by Kellin's face, which dazzled in the dim light of the lamp, that it took him a while to realise the soft squeeze to his hand. He looked down at his palm in awe and realised that Kellin's fingers had begun moving, slowly curling and uncurling themselves. Vic's breath got caught in his throat, he could not believe this was happening.

He was completely frozen in place, unable to comprehend this. What should he do? He had not thought this far and did not even consider what to say or do when Kellin does wake up. He had no idea what would even happen. Sure, he expected the boy to wake up with the brain power of an infant but, in this case, he was unpredictable. For all Vic knew, he could have created the second Albert Einstein.

So he was left in a confused state, as he watched the boy start to twist and turn. His face contorted in a strange way and then the unbelievable happened.

Kellin opened his eyes.

Vic gasped in amazement with a huge smile on his face. He was speechless, as he watched the boy confusedly scan the area around him.

He did the impossible. All those years full of experiments, tests and plans had at last paid off. No matter how many times he was told that it was unachievable, Vic carried on towards his goal and finally he was here, with a human created from scratch.

He could barely wrap his head around this. Vic had always been a high achieving student in school, who was very ambitious and had amazing ideas, but everyone gave up on him as soon as he dropped out of university and, instead of getting a job, began living off of the money he inherited from his deceased grandfather. To everyone around, Vic was a hopeless failure with no future, but here he was with a life-changing discovery which could undoubtedly win him a Nobel Prize.

The boy's eyes finally landed on Vic and he stared like a deer caught in headlights, as he sat up a bit. He seemed shocked, appalled and confused all at once. The Doctor noticed Kellin opening and closing his mouth, as if to try to force some words out, but he could not.

Quickly, but not quick enough to startle the boy, Vic reached over to the bedside table for the glass of water and held it out to Kellin, whose vocal chords would need soothing. The black haired man stared at the water in wonder, before slowly raising a shaky hand from under the covers.

Before he could take hold of the glass, Kellin gasped as soon as his hand rose up. He looked at it in wonder and, like he was in a trance, as he lowered his hand back under the covers. This time, his face erupted in excitement, as his hand came out again, then dropped. He repeated this multiple times.

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