Writing Tagrag

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I was tagged by the MARVELous DianaMatrix to do the writing tag.

Rules: The same as

1. What is a name you use often with characters?
I have a problem with using one-syllable names. I don't know why, I just do. Sometimes if I'm feeling cheeky I stick a character in my stories with the middle name of people I know (only if they want to of course).

2. What do you find the hardest to write?
Kissing. It takes me forever to figure out how I want to describe it. It's always weird too because I have zero experience (please tell me someone can relate).

3. What do you find fun to write?
Gory action scenes and dark murders. Hence, my short story "Allergy Killer" which isn't the best, but I still love. I also love describing people's faces. It sounds weird when I say it.

4. What do you think you need to improve on?
STARTING A STORY WITH A PLAN. I'M LOOKING AT YOU 2015 SARAH. Still could be more thorough.

5. You know you've written a good book when...
I can look back on it six months later and not cringe.

6. Any advice for others?
Just do it. Don't let your dreams be dreams. Just do it. Publish that story. Yesterday, you said tomorrow.

I tag:



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