Anooder Tag

71 10 13

I was tagged by Redangel259 to do this tag.


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1. Do you like someone?
What is this, kindergarten? If you must know, most of them are fictional (not all of them I mean Seb and Anthony are real real).

2. Do they like me?

3. Middle name?
It's Jessica.

4. Single or taken?

I think this answers your question

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I think this answers your question.

5. Last person I texted?
A friend about a job interview.

6. Last song I listened to?
Fall Out Boy - Novocaine

7. Battery?
I got 44%. Been on it a bit today.

8. Girl Best Friend?
Mate. You can't ask me this.

9. Guy Best Friend?
None of them like to hang out with me apparently (despite the fact there's 7 of them).

10. Fave OTP?

11. Why did I make this account?
I read some FanFiction and it was a few days after my birthday.

12. Current lock screen?

 Current lock screen?

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13. Birthday?
May. That's all I'll say. Ayyyyye, that rhymed.



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