Anooder toog

43 8 15


I have been tagged again by the amazing SpruceWood (my favourite hooman bean in the land of 40+ DEGREE DAYS AND THEN 23 THE NEXT DAY) and -waywarddaughters (a great smol who deserves all the followers in the world and more read on her works). Give them a follow or check out their profiles when you get the chance.

 Give them a follow or check out their profiles when you get the chance

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Those are the questions for the tag. I didn't see any rules (I probably did but I can't remember them).

Do I have a crush?
Fictional? Actors? People my age?

I'd be here all day answering this.

*cracks knuckles*

This is the concentrated list.

1. Bucky Barnes
2. Steve Rogers
3. Matt Murdock
4. Newt Scamander
5. Newt (TMR)
6. Spencer Reid
7. Pavel Chekov
8. Spock
10. Kilgrave
11. Jaune Arc

I know I'm forgetting heaps but I'm having mind blanks tonight...

Middle name?



5"5'? 5"6'? Somewhere around there. I'm taller than Frank Iero, so my life is complete.

Shoe Size?

Nine... this ones a little creepy...

Sarah from the future is disturbed as she is actually a size 8.

Eye Colour?

Grey/blue and one is debatably black.

Last Time You Cried?

Watching a commercial... I'll link it here:

Biggest Fear?

Failure. Closely followed by Spiders, Leeches and the future.

Last Song You Listened To?

I'm so sorry - Imagine Dragons. Love that bass drop in the beginning.

Last Person You Texted?

My grandfather.

Favourite App?

Other than Wattpad? Clash Royale.



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