New Tag Who Dis?

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I've been tagged a lot lately, and I've kinda been putting it off but here I am writing my first chapter since getting a new phone. It's not really new, but my mom just got the fancy iPhone X so I get her old one. Goodbye malfunctioning, never-fully-charged and unable-to-hang-up-from-phone-calls 5c. I won't miss you.

Anywho, I've been tagged by The_Insane_Avenger twice, so I have 26 questions to answer and 13 to make up.

1. Always be noticed or never get noticed?
Always. In my extroverted nature, never being noticed and never having anyone want to speak with you specifically, or socialise with you would drive me nuts.

2. Would you rather run or walk?
Walk. I hate running.

3. Do you like sports?
I don't really watch them, but I like archery, ice skating, basketball and dodgeball.

4. Books or Kindle?
Books, always. I love the new book smell, and the feeling of paper in my hands.

5. How happy are you today?
Not very, but I've felt a lot better as I've been writing this. I'm sick, plus there's the stupidest school drama going on right now.

6. How fun is school for you?
School is great. I have great friends, I love my classes and I'm breezing through a lot of it. My school is really big on assignments and homework though (I literally have 7 geography assignments alone in one term), so I very rarely have spare time in the term. So, not fun, but I like it.

7. Would you rather watch a movie at the theatre or in your room?
Theatre. I love the immersion.

8. What's your favourite food?
How do I pick? There's pizza, cheesy gnocchi, butter chicken, nachos, a good old-fashioned steak. I can't pick.

9. How long have you been on Wattpad?
Two years and 8 months.

10. How many questions do I still have to make up?

11. Can I come visit you and take you to a magical journey to Narnia?
Please do, I'm incredibly bored and I'd love to go to Narnia with you.

12. Go to a museum or work there?
Work at one. I love to talk, and I love to know things. I'd have a ball telling people about the exhibits.

13. Titles for tags because I can't think of any?
See my other tags.

14. Do you like modern family?
Yeah, it's alright. I don't really keep up with it, but from what episodes I have seen it's pretty funny.

15. Avengers or X-Men?
Avengers. Easy choice.

16. Comics or movies?
Movies purely because there's less plot overlap and contradiction than in the shitton of comics out there.

17. Death by knife or gun?
Gun. Less painful. Knife is more likely though, because guns are far less common in Australia. You need a license and you can't have an automatic weapon.

18. Are you going to hell or heaven?
Heaven I hope. I think I'm a pretty decent person, with religion undecided.

19. Needle or knife?
Needle. Needles don't bother me, so I'm happy to get injected.

20. Dresses or pants?

21. French or Spanish?
Spanish sounds nicer in my opinion, and it is a far more used language.

22. Prom or nah?
Yes. I'd go, it's a once in a lifetime experience. Plus, it's nice to dress up occasionally.

23. If you were dying, would you call someone? (That being, an ambulance)
Hell yeah.

24. Favourite band?
A swanky alternative indie rock band called Nothing But Thieves.

25. Tom Holland or Andrew Garfield?
Tom Holland. He's a better actor and a cutie, 'nuff said.

26. Spider-Man or Deadpool?
I can't pick.

My Questions:

1. Italian food or Mexican food?
2. Favourite article of clothing?
3. Do you like hats?
4. What flavour of milk is your favourite?
5. Spaghetti or nah?
6. Have you seen the show Lucifer?
7. Would you rather shave off an eyebrow or have chipped nails for the amount of tine it would take your eyebrow to grow back?
8. Truth or dare?
9. Doo wee do or doo wee don't?
10. Ankle pants - yay or nay?
11. Do you like spices food?
12. Favourite ice cream flavour?
13. Chips, fries or crisps?

And that's the end of The_Insane_Avenger's tag.

Up next: Gaylord (please don't be offended this is supposed to be a badass term and not a problematic slur) and pastel-haired extraordinaire pasteldad's tag.

1. One fact about you:
I've reached a point where I only binge watch tv shows. I don't know how to be a casual viewer.
2. Favourite colour?
TARDIS blue. Don't ask me which TARDIS, because I won't tell you.
3. Hunger Games or Harry Potter?
Harry Potter. I didn't read the series, but the plot is far better than The Hunger Games, and so are the characters. I did read The Hunger Games though.
4. Favourite food?
Urgh not this again.
5. Nickname?
I don't really have many, though my family calls me "Bear" or "The Bear". Sometimes my friends call me "the not hot sister" (long story).
6. How long have you had your account?
Two years an eight months, as I said before.
7. Fangirl or fanboy?
8. Hair colour?
Brown, with some red tinge through it in the light. I dyed it recently, hence the red.
9. Favourite animal?
I connect with sloths on a spiritual level, but otters take the cake.
10. Current read?
It's a Stranger Things Steve Harrington fic called Seventeen, and its by stxrmborn. Her works are the best I've ever read, and she has tons of Game of Thrones reads that are really addictive and so damn good.

And that's all!

Time to tag:


Thanks fam!

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