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Zara wanted the ground to swallow her whole. She watches as the broad shouldered brunette walks through the double glass doors. His body moves smoothly as he strides through the office. His ocean blue eyes scan the room in a calculated manner. A small smile tugs at his lips as a few people say their pleasantries.

Zara can see Angela beaming as he nears their section. She stays standing and smiles politely at him.

"Mr Pierce, it's such a pleasure." Angela gushes as she holds out her hand.

He looks at her with a serious expression as he takes her hand and shakes it firmly. A small, acknowledging smile graces his face. Zara watches as his eyes flicked around her face and she soon catches on that he is trying to figure out who she is.

Mr Pierce's eyes dart down and then back to her face with a warm smile. "Angela." He says, his voice as deep as Zara remembers. "Trust me, the pleasure is all mine."

Zara sees the way the deep crimson fans over Angela's cheeks and down her neck. She notices as he nods towards his office and excuses himself.

Leanne mumbles something under her breath as Zara keeps her gaze locked on her computer until she knows it's safe to look in his direction.

He's still greeting other employees as he walks towards his office at the end of the hall. Mr Pierce towers over most of the men in the office and the women seem so minuscule next to him.

"You weren't lying Ange, he's pretty fuckable." Leanne whistles under her breath.

Bea burst out laughing and Zara finds herself laughing along. Angela reaches over the desk and slaps Leanne on the arm, eliciting a laugh from the latter.

"What?" Leanne giggles. "It's just an observation."

Angela's blush still coats her cheeks as she takes a seat at the desk next to mine. "You're all terrible."

"No, we're just horny." Bea comments casually.

"What do you think Zee? You know, he kind of looks like that guy you took home the other week..." Leanne trails off, looking between Zara and Jude, "Oh my god, that is him, isn't it?"

Angela and Bea look over at me with shocked expressions. "You had sex with our new boss?" Angela whispers harshly.

Zara puts her hand to her lips and hisses at Angela. "First of all, be quiet you busybody, not everybody in the office needs to know. Second of all, I didn't know he was my boss at the time, and had I known, I wouldn't have gone there — trust me." She mumbles under her breath.

Bea reached across their joined desk and raises her hand, clapping it against Zara's. "Proud of you."

Leanne nods her head in agreement. "Me too. Not everyone could say they've fucked the equivalent of a fucking God."

Angela grumbles under her breath and runs a hand through her hair. "Well, fingers crossed he doesn't remember you so it's not awkward."

A small smirk pulls at Zara's lips and she says, before she can stop herself. "Trust me Ange, that was not a night he's going to forget any time soon."

Leanne and Bea both squeal and howl with laughter. Angela rolls her eyes, but Zara doesn't miss the way she chuckles softly.

"I don't doubt that for a second." Angela muses.

* * *

The buzz has quietened down and Zara is thankful to not be hearing about how hot the new boss is. I mean, it's not like she could argue, she had found him rather exquisite when he was leaned against a bar in some high end cocktail bar in the middle of Canary Wharf.

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