Chapter 1: A New Case

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"Papers! Papers!" called out the news vendor. He was holding newspapers and another copy of the Strand Magazine with a red sleeve around it. The words SHERLOCK HOLMES and an in-profile white silhouette of the detective displayed on the sleeve. The cab, which you, John and Sherlock were residing in, approaches along the street where the vendor was still shouting "Papers! Papers!" While up the street, carolers were singing 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing'.

The cab slows down as John leans out of the window and attracts the attention of the vendor. "Here." John said to the cabbie and the cab stops, completely. Sherlock looks over, confused as to why it stops. He sees the vendor and leans back, so that the vendor couldn't see him. You smile and shake your head as he did this.

"How's 'The Blue Carbuncle' doing?" John asked the vendor.

"Very popular, Doctor Watson. Is there gonna be a proper murder next time?" the vendor asked. John smiled, while you chuckled. Who would've thought that people would get entertained by a murder story.

"I'll have a word with the criminal classes." John said.

"If you wouldn't mind." replied the vendor. Then you see him trying to lean over to look in to the cab to get a better look inside. "Is that them? Are they in there?" He asked, pointing toward where Sherlock was sitting.

You give John a death glare while Sherlock kicks him, earning a grunt from John. "No. No, no, not at all. Ah, good day to you." John said as he tips his finger to his hat, signaling the cabbie to move.
As the cab starts to move away, you hear the vendor shout "Merry Christmas, Mr Holmes and Miss (L/n)!"

Finally, the cab arrives to Baker Street and it pulls up outside the front door of 221B. Once it completely stops, the door to 221B opens and out comes your aunt. Sherlock climbs out of the cab as your aunt said "Mr Holmes, I do wish you'd let me know when you're planning to come home."

"I hardly knew myself, Mrs Hudson. That's the trouble with dismembered country squires--they're notoriously difficult to schedule." Sherlock replies to her and turns around, placing his pipe between his teeth. John is already out, unloading the bags from the cab.

Sherlock stands next to the door of the cab and holds out his hand for you as you get out. You take his hand as you step down on the steps. "Why thank you, Holmes." You said, brightly. "My pleasure." He said with a small smirk and walks over to pay the cabbie.

You felt yourself blush when your aunt came up to you and give you a hug. "(y/n), dear. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good, Aunt Martha." You answered.

You see Billy, a young boy that sometimes help Sherlock with a case, walks up to John and pointed at the bags.

"What's in there?" He asked.

"Nevermind." John replied as he headed into the flat.

"Did you catch a murder, Mr Holmes?" Billy asked Sherlock.

"Caught the murder; still looking for the legs." He answered, walking to the door.

"Think we'll call it a draw." You said, smiling to yourself.

After you and Sherlock entered the flat, you hear your aunt talking to John. "And I notice you've published another of your stories, Doctor Watson." She said "Yes. Did you enjoy it?" John asked her. You were taking off your coat and placed it on the hook next to Sherlock's coat and hat, when you heard your aunt say "No." And heard them walking inside.

"Oh?" John said.

"I never enjoy them." She replied.

"Why not?" John asked her.

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