Enter Turtle Friend

756 13 4

Previously on 'Let's ruin Someone's Life':

3. 2. 1.



"Hello my-- Karamatsu lover~."

"Shut up Shittymatsu..."

"OW! That hurts Fappymatsu!"

"This is all your fault Osomatsu-nii san."

Oh boy...


You look on quietly, your mind finally caught up with you.

This can't real. Its just my over active imagination. You glance at the time and  see that its 12 minuets to 10:30.

'Its pretty late too, i'm just tired is all.' You move gaze to the nearest small muppet, which happens to be the ball of unstoppable energy, and  poked his squishy, warm, bod-wait.

Poke, poke. Chortle.









You barrel rolled over the couch.You bolted. Skedaddled. Vamoose. Hightailed. Abscond. Blasted. Zayned. Barrel rolled over the couch. All the other meme related words for getting the heckle out of there. You didn't give a shit if it was still raining and your previously warm pj's were cold and heavy. You needed be grounded, to be graced by the presence of a rock. Your rock. 

Qui Bian.

You ran the last couple blocks to the small, quiet and quaint book store that Qui resided in. Hoo boy. How are you gonna explain the grand flip out this time......


Chaos. Complete utter chaos was what Choromatsu was witnessing as he watched his brothers destroy the once nice looking living room that was most likely occupied by the poor soul that ran out of there like the devil himself was after them.  He gazed around the room with an inscrutable look on his face. I mean with living with his brothers for 20 something years he wouldn't expect anything less.  He watched on unimpressed by how his insufferable siblings were behaving in this situation.

Todomatsu was trying to unlock his abnormally huge phone that was propped against the sofa, Jyushimatus was swinging around a bat 10 times his size, Ichimatsu was looking around and being, well Ichimatsu, and  Karamatsu was looking at himself in the reflective surface of the other gigantic phone  that the occupant of the this once humble abode. And Osomatsu-

"Hey Guys you need to see this!" And there he is, sounding both giddy and amused, which is never a good combination that involves Osomatsu.

Everyone slowly make their way to where he was, which happen to be the top of the couch. He was standing on the keyboard of the computer that laid open. The light of the screen casts  an eerie shadow across his smug face as he his eyes shifts between the two windows open on the screen. 

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