+1000 Read Special/ Who you Gonna Call? Ghost Bruzzahs!

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Author Sporadic: Just before you lovelies read any further, please be aware that this does not follow nor interfere with the actual story line, this is just  small thanks for all who read and favorited/voted for this story! I know that it doesn't get updated a lot, but it means a lot that you actually come back when it does! Another thing, this will also be posted in another book to start off the requests AND might get a part two if i can come up with ideas for it! Don't be shy! I will accept almost any request(with the exceptions of lemons for now but limes are okay) if I know what fandom it is. Enjoy!

"Thanks again so much for renting out my house!  I really appreciate it! Not a whole lot of people were interested in living here and when the did they never stayed very long...."

" Oh this is no problem at all Matsuno-san, If anything I should be thanking you for letting me stay at this lovely place! If it weren't for you I'd prolly be staying at a cheap hotel...."

You make pleasant conversation as you sit in side a very cozy cafe, going over the details of the lease and house maintenance. You see, You are a student that is joining the incoming wave of college freshmen and with coming from over seas it would be extremely hard to get housing. So as soon as the acceptance letter entered your grasp you run to your trusty laptop and open up all the websites that you bookmarked for  wanted roommates and rooms for rent.  Luckily for you, there was this one listing that caught your eye. It was a decent sized house that was for rent and it wasn't very expensive either!

"Though may I ask a question, Matsuno-san?"


"Why doesn't anyone want to live in your beautiful home?"

The middle aged woman freezes like she's been told the most saddening news and then smiles and faces you with a melancholy look. She grabs her handkerchief and takes a deep breath.

"I was a mother of sextuplets. They were all boys."

"'Was'? What happened?"

She shoots you a curious look.

"Your not bothered by the fact that I have six identical sons?"

"No..? I mean why would I if there's a town in Alaska that has a cat for a mayor?"

"...Oh. Well yes I had six identical sons until one unfortunate night. They were all involved in a gruesome freak accident and died!"

She finishes with a sob, covering her mouth with her handkerchief. You tried to comfort her the best you could while awkwardly rubbing her back.

"I'm trying rent this house so that I don't have to live with the pain of remembering my poor NEETs! But the same time not throw all of the memories away. Some of the past residents say that there are strange things happening after they settle in. They think this place is haunted!"

"By what, your deceased sons?"

This has really piqued your interests. Oh not because you don't believe in superstition, but because you've had some experiences with the supernatural. Not like being haunted or being possessed, but seeing the occasional spirit that was lost or had some unfinished business. Granted, they never bothered you nor you them, but it was both saddening and intriguing watching them interacting with the living such as attending their own funeral, trying to comfort their sad loved one, or quite frankly being assholes to unsuspecting on goers. The latter not really being a very active reaction that you've seen much.

"Yes exactly that! You see, while they were still alive they were quite the trouble makers, so when I hear from past residents that some of their stuff has gone missing or it looks like their belongings have been ransacked, I just knew it was my boys. But every time I come to check up everything's peaceful...." The aged woman finished with a woeful expression on her wrinkled face. It seems that she has not been able to witness the happenings first hand. As if snapping out of a daze she turns back towards you with a forced smile.

"...So are you still interested in renting my home even thought it might be haunted by my NEETs?"

You kindly grab her hand from across the table and  send her an assuring smile.

"Of course Matsuno-san! I don't think I'll have any problems living your house. It'll be like having roommates... that aren't alive...and don't pay rent...but I'm pretty sure that I can handle it!"

~*~*~*~two days later~*~*~*~

As soon as the last box touches the ground you let out a sigh of relief and wipe the sweat from your brow.  You crack your back and released a tired groan. Even thought you didn't own a lot of things, there was still the handling of furniture like your dressers and desks and other things alike. You flop backwards onto the couch. It wouldn't hurt to take a small nap. After all, you move into a whole different country without help, If anything you deserved that nap. You soon close your heavy eyelids and give into sleep. But oh were you going to have a rude awakening.

You wake up to several murmuring voices and the sound of things being rummaged through.

"oooh!~ This one is cute-- No wait this one is! Wait wait, no this one!"

"What kind of baseball bat is this?"

"Guys don't look through her stuff..."

"Choromatsu is right Bruzzahs, it is not right to look through a strangers things, much less a ladies personal belongings-*WHAP*hnk!"

"Shut up shittymatsu."

"What kind of underwear do you think she wears Totty?"

'Who the hell is in my house?!'

You discreetly turn over on the couch to see who got your house while you were napping. You don't recall leaving any of the doors or windows unlocked...

"shut up you'll wake her up!"

"Its fine, Its fine! Even if she did wake up there is no chance that she'll see us! no one has."

You open your eyes a sliver ti make it seem as if they're still closed but just enough to see six translucent figures back facing you. They seem to be looking through your belongings. You can see  the red blob moving towards the box that holds your unmentionables.


Everyone freezes like a dear caught in head lights.


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