In Love

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She hasn't woken up yet. Its been 2 days. I'm really scared. Connor and I haven't left the hospital.

Connor coughed pulling me out of my thoughts. "Jc, you wanna go to the food court quick I'll stay with her and call you if she wakes." Connor said putting on a smile which I could tell was fake.
I nodded with no emotion. Since she hasn't woke up I haven't had much emotion but terifide. They all think I'm depressed. I may be. I really don't know how I feel.

While I was going to the food court I saw a guy pass me I looked up to see who it was. It was Cameron Dallas. A friend of mine. I'm pretty sure he is a friend of Nicky's also.

I think Connor said they were a little more but I can still have hope can't I.

I got a sandwich and walked back to the room.

"GET OUT!!" I heard Connor yell. "NO I LOVR YOUR SISTER AND SHES MINE!" I heard Cameron yell "Cameron listen, we are good friends. But I caught you cheating on my sister with Vanessa and NICKYS birthday party last year. I've caught you cheat on her multiple times. So tell me this if you love her why do you have 10000 side chicks." Connor said with irritation in his voice.

"First off she doesn't know I cheated on her and you will never have the guts to tell her. Second because your sister is no fun. Your right I don't love her. I love her body. I just don't like that she doesn't let me play with her body!" Cameron said and you could tell he had a smirk by the way he was talking. I couldn't take anymore. I walked in and said:

"Your right Connor doesn't have the guts to tell her but I do. And I think she is pretty fucking fun you bitch. How can you not love her she is wonderful. I think she is the most beautiful wonderful person in the world. And I bet Connor is proud of her for not letting you play with her body. Frankly I am she probably would have got HIV or something. So you may not love her but I do!" There was a very shocked Cameron while Connor was just sitting there smirking.

"Whatever" Cameron said sitting on the couch in the corner. Wow, he still didn't leave.

"Cam,cam?" I heard someone say in a weak whisper. "Hi baby girl" Cameron said getting up running to the hospital bed. "Guess what" she said still very quite. "What sweetheart?" Cameron said acting like nothing happened. What a dick. "JC doesn't need to tell me." She said. I looked up at Connor and he had a smirk on his face. "What are you talking about baby?" He said really annoyed."Jc doesn't need to tell me you cheated on me you just confest everything yourself." She said now smirking so was I.

"Oh my fucking god." Cameron said standing up. "Cam one last thing come near her you have o2l to deal with and I think Nash is on our side on this one." I said crossing my arms.

He huffed and stomped out like a 3 year old. Nicky whispered something in Connors ear and Connor smirk at me and left the room.

"JC? Did you mean what you said? You know. That you love me" she said sheepishly. I just nodded.

She motioned me to come close to her. I did so. When I got over to her she grabbed my collar and pulled me into a kiss.

OMG the love of my life just kissed me.

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