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Okay I'm so sorry every time I update this I have to reread bc I never remember what's going on and the whole book is just a mess I just want to finish it so I can start an at least decent one with an actually decent plot anD ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2k READS ON YEP. AND 5k ON NOPE. IM SO JSSJSHS YOU GUYS ARE GR8

Dan🌧: phil

Phil☀️: dan

Dan🌧: im sad.

This had become a normal occurrence for the pair. Dan would tell Phil he's sad and Phil would comfort him to his best abilities, sometimes go to his house and bring tea and sweets. It made Dan feel happy, but not better. He was trying so hard to get better for Phil. He'd already put Phil through so much trouble and he just wanted them to be a normal happy couple, but that would just never happen.

Dan told Phil he was getting better even though he wasn't. The worst part is, Phil believed him.

Yep. (Sequel to Nope.)Where stories live. Discover now