Chapter 5- The big accident

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Hey guys I hope ya’ll enjoy


That accident is something I’ll never forget. It was bad accident. So Alec called me and said we need to talk. But I was still mad at him so I told him no. Then he well just listen.

“Hey come over I wanna apologize.” He said.

“Hell no.” I said.

“But why?”

“Cause you never listen to me. When I said Dick is a bad guy you didn’t listen.”

“I don’t have to be told anything about MY BOYFRIEND.” Now that hurt me. Even though I still kinda like him and he’s going out with some douche hurt. It hurt bad. But the reason is I don’t know why it hurt so bad.


“NO FORGET IT. SCREW YOU STEVE. IM GOING TO DICKSS. AND DON’T COME LOOKING FOR ME. WE WON'T LET YOU IN.” That’s when I noticed. He was drunk. Drunk out of his mind. He never got drunk in his life. I think I really screwed up this time. Cause of our fight he got drunk. He hung up and then I got a really sick feeling. I called Sam.

“Hey what’s up?”

“Oh uh-(moan)- nothing why?”

“Uh you ok?”




“YEA RIGHT. WERE GETTING IT ON!” I heard Dick say.

Oh no. Oh my gosh. No this cant be happening. Not now. Not when everything is going straight. Note the sarcasm. I quickly put on clothes and started walking out the house. But as I went to the front door I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I grunted and turned around to see my dad had flung a pan at my head.


“NO FAG WILL BE LIVING IN MY HOUSE.” Here’s where the beating comes in. I tried running up to my room but got dragged back down.

“FINE I'M GAY, HAPPY.” I said to my dad.

He then started to punch me. I had to cover my face but he moved my hands. He never hit my face. Cause you know it would leave marks and make people notice. But he didn’t seem to care. I heard my mom come out of her room. After she saw what was going on she started screaming. My dad kept ignoring my mom and kept beating me. That’s when I heard the front door open and someone else scream. I then felt my dad get pulled off me and someone yelling to my mom.

‘Call 9-1-1.” the voice said. I heard my mom run to the phone. I heard sirens and people entering my house then after that I just blacked out.


Alec’s sexy POV

I admit I was kinda drunk. It's cause Dick hit me last night. I should have listen to Steve. I knew Darren was dangerous. He had almost killed his ex Sam. But I still didn’t listen. I had to be stupid and not listen to Steve. My phone vibrated. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Dick. I picked up.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hey babe…listen I think its best we break up.”

"WHAT why?”

“I was just using you to make Sam jealous. Sorry babe BYE!” With that he hung up. I stared dumbly at the phone. I put on some clothes and ran to Steve’s. I was down the street when I heard a loud scream from his house. I knew then and there what was happening. Steve was getting beat. I ran to the door to see his mom screaming and his Steve on the floor getting blows to the head.

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