Chapter 2

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We just arrived to the foster house. The women let us in and we talked and played with the little kids. Y/n wasn't here though. The lady kept going upstairs and then coming back.

I heard a muffled scream and I booked it up the staircase. The door was locked so I kicked the door down and the lady was on top of y/n with her hands on her throat.

"Help" I yell shoving the lady off and picking up a gasping y/n who was struggling to breathe. I carried her down stairs and lay her onto the couch as gentle as I can. Ali called the police and I could hear the sirens. Y/n sat up and panted. She tried to speak but I stopped her

"Hey don't try to speak." I say while she nods

The women gets placed into handcuffs and paramedics take y/n. I end up going with her while the rest of the team meets us at the hospital. More police come and take the other little kids to the hospital to get checked out.

I'm currently in the waiting room with all of the other girls for news on y/n we decided to adopt her! It will be just like having a little sister with us.

The doctor walks in with a chart.

"Anyone here for y/n l/n?" He asks

All of us stand and he looked surprised and then walked over.

"Y/n has bruises everywhere and has a few broken ribs. She has some swelling on her neck but it should go down soon. She is severely dehydrated and malnourished. She's been given a lot of fluids to help. She's gonna be sore for a while but other that that She's fine It says here she doesn't have any living relatives so she will be discharged when the police get here." He says

"We want to adopt her" I say

"You have to take it up with her social worker." He says

"Can we see her?" Asks Hope

"Your not family so no you can't I'm sorry" he says

"Even if we want to adopt her?" I asks

"If they are wanting to adopt  her, then let them see her" says a women I'm guessing is y/n's social worker

The doctor nods and we all head to her room. Y/n was sound asleep, she had a oxygen mask on her face, her neck seemed to be wrapped and so did most of her body.

"Which one of you plans to adopt y/n?" Asks the women

"I will" I say and everyone looks at me surprised.

Okay, two people can sign the papers so if anyone else wants to sign let me know.

"I'll sign" says Hope

"Okay Ms. Heath and Ms.Solo please follow me" she says

Hope and I both get up and follow the women, she takes us back to the waiting room we were in before.

" Y/n has had it pretty rough. Her parents died in a car accident at the age of 2. y/n was the only survivor of the three cars that were involved. Her aunt and uncle took her in but they were killed in their house, y/n was hurt as well but they were able to save her. After that her family thought she was bad luck so no one wanted to keep her so she went into the system at the age of 5. She's been adopted 4 times and brought back for various reasons. She was removed from 3 of the homes because of abuse and malnutrition this last house is not included of the three she was removed from. She's broken both arms twice, dislocated both shoulders quite a few times, she's broken her Jaw, cheekbone, leg, ankle, wrist, and multiple ribs. She has a scar going down her side and down her chest from the incident with her aunt and uncle. She has some other scars from self harm as well. As far as I know that stopped a few years ago. She also has permanent bruising on a few parts of her body. I also want you to know that I'm having them rush the adoption process as I know that you will be leaving in the next few days. They are running background checks on the both of you as we speak. If you two are both clear I will have you sign papers tonight. Then she will be in your custody. If for some reason you would like to give her back up please call me and I will make sure she gets to a foster home." She says

We both say okay and ask questions about the whole process. Then she gets a phone call, I'm guessing it's the agency with the background check.

"Okay, you are both clear! I need you both to sign and initial where it is highlighted." She says handing us the papers

We both sign where we are supposed too after we read everything. We then hand her back the papers and she looks them over.

"Okay this all looks good, here is y/n's file of everything you need to know about her. I told you mostly everything about her but I'm supposed to give you it." Says the women

"Thank you for letting us know" I say

"She's got a whole team looking out for her and protecting her." Says Hope

"Well I'm glad she has people who care about her. Please call me if you need anything." She says standing up. We both stand up and shake her hand.After that we walk back to y/n's room.

Y/n woke up a little while later and we all talked until visiting hours are over. The doctor said y/n could be released tomorrow morning. Hope said she would come back in the morning with some fresh clothes for y/n and I. The nurse brought in a folding bed for me to sleep in and I fell asleep shortly after y/n did.

3 am

I wake up to her whimpering. I open my eyes and sit up and y/n is twitching. She was having a nightmare. I quickly got up and shook her awake. Once her eyes shot open and she saw me she started crying. I climb on the bed and hug her close. I rock her softly and rub her back and then she soon stops and falls back asleep. I hold her close while she falls asleep and then I end up falling asleep with her in my arms.

Okay I'm so sorry for not updating any of my stories, I had surgery and I haven't really been feeling strong enough to update but I feel much better so I'll try to update a few times a week. Lemme know what you think! Thanks for reading.

Adopted by the USWNT Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin