2- Talk!

11 3 0

I'd be an anchor but I'm scared you'll drown
You're safer on the ground



"What are the bands performing today?" I asked Luna once she got back from buying us snacks.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "No one knows them anyway."

I elbowed her playfully. "That was mean."

"What? It's true."

We started walking to an empty spot right in front of the stage. The place was airy and spacey and not at all packed which was explanatory since it's only noon. This Jerome-guy told us that this place is usually full during nights.

"I guess you do have a point. Most of these bands are you know, emerging artists that will probably make it big in the industry someday."


"I just don't get why you have to drag me here so early in the morning when it turns out, the show starts at night." I reminded her as I let my eyes dart around the surroundings.

"It has its perks, you know." She defended herself.

"Yeah? Like what?"

"Um, this perfect spot we're sitting right now?" She stared at me like wow so ungrateful and I just shot her a look like wow so conceited.

"Yeah no. Not really." I scrunched my nose and shook my head at her futile attempt at defending herself.

She slumped down her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "Well, at least we get to have a break from college life, though. Even for just today." She sounded reasonable enough, I mean I did want to come with her today.

"Even for just today." I repeated under my breath that's coming out more like fog. I really do need a break.


"What's the name of that band again?" Luna yells over the loud sound blaring from all over the speakers which we got the privilege of seeing being installed earlier (note sarcasm).

"Which one? Do you me-" I wasn't able to finish my sentence because some idiot bumped to my side and I ended up falling on my face because of the impact.

Gods. This is why I absolutely hate concerts. It's too crowded and loud and filled with people who are too freaked-out to notice anything that's happening. I mean don't get me wrong, I love this type of music and how their lyrics are mostly spot-on to the point that it's should be tattooed on your collarbone. But this kind of company is not comforting at all, it all feels hypocritical and fake.

I cussed as I tried to stand up but I ultimately lose my balance again after one of those idiots stepped on my hand which was still firmly pressed on the ground for the support I intended. I mean seriously? Why was his shoes so spiky?

"Shit." I hissed as I held my violated hand to my chest. I stood up and brushed off the dirt off myself. I feel like going back to my dorm room. I was about to leave until I remembered Luna and the fact that I haven't seen her after I professed my love for the ground and decided to kiss it right away, accidentally of course.

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