3- The City

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Don't call it a spade if it isn't a spade
And go lie on the floor if you want
The first bit of advice that you gave me that I like was it was too strong
too strong
Get in the shower if it all goes wrong



"Just give me a sec, I have something to say to the others." Matty says as he took off running. Honestly, I doubted whether he'll come back for me or not. I just stood there like a complete retard waiting for nothing in particular to happen.

In less than a minute, I saw Matty heading towards me along with three other guys. They reminded me of Reservoir Dogs . If you've actually seen the movie, you won't understand what I'm talking about because the reference I just made was complete crapload.

"Hey." He stated casually as he directed me to where his car was parked.

Gods, I'm really doing this, am I?

"Hi Vivien." One of them spoke to me which shocked me to the point of stepping on my own foot, almost tripping.

"Shit." I muttered lightly as they all fell into fits of laughter. It's a good thing I didn't fall face flat because if I did, then I should probably run off and pretend to be dead.

Seeing the four strangers (except for Matty but he's still legitimately classified as one) laughed at me heartlessly and not with me just made me realize how much the universe really does hate me.

"What just happened to you?" Matty choked out in between laughs.

I swallowed the lump in my throat which was actually from being humiliated like that. "I don't even want to know."

They laughed even harder and one of them had to stop to hold his stomach because it was literally hurting and that his knees has "grown weak". I don't even know if they're sane anymore.

"Sorry." Matty says as we've made it to the parking lot. "You were funny, if you didn't notice."

I decided not to say anything because I feared that I might say something pathetic and they'll end up exploding. I don't even understand what I'm saying.

"I'm Ross."


"Adam. Nice to meet you at this weird time of the day."

I heard them say but I wasn't really paying attention to whose voice it was. I just let out a small smile and kept my head down.

"Yeah. We're in a band." Matty clarified for them once we've settled ourselves in his old and badly-needed-to-be-repainted Audi.


They took me to a bar located a few blocks from where the concert was held. They somehow convinced me to accompany them as their "guest", I don't even know what they mean by that. All I know is that I'm getting myself into serious trouble and this is all a bad idea.

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