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"Glad you could finally join us, Miss Chandler." Mr. Wyers looked at me over his glasses as he was in mid chalk writing the periodic table of elements on the board.
I was standing in the doorway. The whole class had their eyes on me. "Sorry, Mr. Wyers it won't happen again." I mumbled and walked to my assigned seat which was next to my best friend, Seth Riley.
I flipped my book open. "Where were you?" Seth whispered as he pretended to copy down the notes from the board.
"New kid. I was helping her around the school." I was still flipping through the pages trying to act casual even though on the inside I was screaming with excitement. She was so cute!
"She!?" Seth nearly yelled.
We both looked up to see Mr. Wyers giving us a chilling glare. He went back to writing.
"Keep it down..." I whispered,"Yes, a she. Her name is--"
I almost finished but was cut off by my being yelled and that voice belonged to Mr. Wyers. I groaned and packed up my things. He stood in the front of the room with one hand on his hip and the other signaling me to come.
I held my books in one hand and snatched the blue detention slip from him with the other. I began reading over it.
"3 periods of detention!? What did i even do?" Rage flowed through my body. Half of me was saying scream and the other saying cry...and I wasn't going to cry in front of everyone.
"Insubordination." He said it with a hint of cockiness. I narrowed my eyes at him.
I opened my mouth to protest but closed it remembering that swim team tryouts were today and half a day of detention was already killing my chances of making the team.
I turned around and started towards the door. "Have a good day, Elizabeth." Mr. Wyers sung behind me.

  The detention room always had at least 5 kids in there already and the lady running the detention room was as short as she was fat and had a mushroom shape hair cut. She waddled when she walked and looked pissed 24/7.
   I pushed the door open and entered seeing all the seats were taken up. Mrs. Tumes was sitting behind the desk chomping away on a bag of potato chips. She looked up at me over her glasses that were at least two inches thick.   
   "Name?" She said a little too loud. I could feel eyes on me.
   "Elizabeth Chandler." Heat rose to my cheeks. I could feel the embarrassment.
   "Seat 23." Mrs. Tumes grouched and went back to munching on chips.
   I pulled out seat 23 in the far back row and plopped down. Remember what I said about this day being awesome? Yeah, let's say my luck has changed.

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