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The door to my bedroom slammed shut behind me. I rested my back against it and sighed into my hands. What is happening? My eyes opened and through my fingers I could see Seth laying on the bed. He was wearing his usual attire: an old 50¢ sweater, dark jeans, and his typical black snapback. He was known for thrift shopping and his outfits were proof. He knew it wasn't my style, but insisted on dragging me to every thrift store.
He didn't even notice me come in. Either that or he didn't care. Probably the second one. Nothing ever bothered Seth. His attention was drawn to an old record of mine. "I didn't know you were into this old shit," Seth said softly, examining the record.
I didn't say anything. My stomach was still in knots from all of the fucked up shit that had just happened to me. I was afraid to speak. When i opened my mouth nothing came out.
Seth finally realized something was off when I didn't come back with a smart ass remark. "What's goin on Liz?" He set down the record and swung around on the bed. His legs were facing me revealing his 2 year-old converse.
"I did something dumb today," I started slowly. My mouth was dry and my throat felt swollen. I took a deep breath and joined Seth on my bed.
"Must've been pretty dumb considering you didn't even care that I stereotyped you," he chuckled, "Seriously? Not even a laugh? What the hell is going on?"
Flashbacks of my daydream came back. The burning water, Regains soft lips, her boobs slipping through my hands...
"I made out with Regain," I said softly. I took a swig of an old monster sitting on my nightstand.
"Your brothers girlfriend?" He snatched the monster out of my hand and took a sip. His eyes watched me steadily to see my reaction. "When? How? Why?!"
        I sat back on the bed. My eyes stared up at the ceiling. "Well, I mean I didn't actually make out with her," another deep sigh, "I just had this stupid day dream after swim that we made out. God i'm so stupid! How the hell can I feel this way about someone I met less than 8 hours ago?"
     My heart was racing. How could Matt already be dating her? They must've met when she first moved here.
       "Okay okay calm down. Just breathe," Seth ran his slender fingers through my dark hair. "Maybe it's just a little crush. I'm sure it'll pass,"
     The door opened to reveal Matt texting on his phone. "Hey Lizz is it cool if I use your car to take Regain home? It's getting pretty late and my car has been running like shit," he was still looking down at his phone.
      "Yeah it's cool. Just put the keys on the kitchen table when you get back," I said softly. There was a knot in my throat.
      "Right on. Thanks sis, you're the man," he chuckled and shut the door behind him. I let out a frustrated sigh. How can this be happening right now?
      "Let's just change the subject okay? We have movies to watch," Seth nudged my shoulder with a sly smile.
      "Only if there is popcorn involved," I shared his smile , trying to push everything that happened today away from my mind.
damn! i've completely lost my creative touch that's for sure. But hey i updated and i'm going to keep updating. Shits about to go down, though! Just keep showing the love and there will be more coming ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2019 ⏰

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