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  The bell for lunch rang which meant three things: 1) school is almost over, 2) Detention is over, and 3) I get a chance to talk to that cute Regain girl.
  I pushed my way out of the detention room, bumping shoulders with other people. Seth was standing against the lockers laughing at me. I shook my head at him.  We began walking side-by-side.
   "How the hell did Mr. Asshole find a way to give you almost a full day or detention?" Seth questioned as he unwrapped a granola bar and bit part of it off. He offered me a bite so I bit off a piece.
   "Insubordination," I said through a mouthful of granola. An awful taste made me gag, I made a face. "What flavor is this?"
   Seth shrugged and checked the label, "I think it says blueberry?"
   Instantly I ran to the nearest trash can and spit it out. Seth joined beside me. "Drama queen." He rolled his eyes.
   "Yeah you have room to talk," I rinsed my mouth out at the nearest water fountain. "I'll meet you under the willow tree out back?"
   Seth scrunched his eyebrows together. "Why? Where are you going?"
   "I have to turn in my swimming gear to Mrs. Sulivan, remember?" Seth just gave me a confused look. I shook my head, "swim team?" I tried again.
   "Ohhhh I forgot you were on the swim team!" Seth smiled huge.
Idiot. But an idiot I couldn't live without, I thought which brought a smile to my face. I remember when Seth and I tried dating once which then gave us both a wake up call that we both cheered for the same sex lovers squad.
   "I'll meet you at the tree, dork." I playfully punched his arm. He winked and made his way towards his locker.

  Mrs. Sullivan's office was located in the girls locker room which reeked of chlorine from the nearby swimming pool. Today it seemed very thick smelling.
   I knocked gently on her door which made her snap her head up instantly. "Elizabeth? I thought you said you were doing swim team this year?" She seemed very surprised.
   "Change of heart?" I said raising my hands up innocently.
   The corners of her mouth tilted upwards. "Awesome to have you Liz. Just set your stuff down and I'll see you after school."
  "Okay, thanks." I set my stuff down on the nearby chair and turned, "ouch!" I ran into someone, knocking both of us down. I rubbed my eyes to see Regain blushing of embarrassment.
   "Oh my goodness I am terribly sorry! I must've not been looking, please forgive my clumsiness!" She spoke so fast trying to apologize but I just stared. She was so gorgeous. All I wanted to do was hold her small hands and hold her close, kiss her soft lips--
   "Elizabeth are you okay?" Coach Sullivan asked helping us both up.
   "Yeah, uh, sorry I was just leaving." I got up quickly and ran from the locker room.
  I pushed through crowds of people and hurried towards the back doors of the school. My hands pushed them open hard and my feet took off. I felt tears of embarrassment roll down my face. Seth was now in view, but blurred from the tears.
   Once he realize something was wrong he ran to me and held me in his arms. "Whoa whoa whoa what happened, Lizzy?" He pet my hair making soothing noises.
   "I--I ran into her," I sniffled, "I made a fool of myself. God I'm such an idiot!"  I sat down and leaned against the trunk of the tree. I ran my fingers across the roots that stuck up out of the ground. Soon Matt would be here to eat lunch with us. Us three always hung out under this tree.
   We began eating lunch here when we were 7th graders. Seth and I use to be bullied at lunch so we started coming back here where no one came except us.
   Seth took a seat next to me. "Hey, it'll be okay. I promise, Lizzy. Hey look here comes your sexy twin brother." He has always had a crush on Matthew. "Damn he will turn gay one day and we will be together. It's inevitable."
   A girl was next to Matt and they were...holding hands? As they approached the girl became more and more familiar. Then it hit me. My heart felt as if it got stabbed. Regain.
   "Hey gays--I mean guys," Matt joked  and we all joined in laughing except mine wasn't real. "Um..so anyways..." Matt could sense my fake laugh. "This is my girlfriend, Regain."
   Seth gripped my hand. I gripped it back. He gave me a confused glance as to why I was upset.
   "Oh..yeah, um, Regain and I have met." I gave a fake smile.
   "Yeah, we have..." Regain said quietly. For a second I thought I heard a nervous tone In her voice. I must be imagining things.
   "I thought it would be nice to invite Regain over sometime. All three of us can hang out?" Matt smiled. He's happy, I thought. I've never seen Matt this happy. Regret filled my stomach like a huge knot.
"Seth and I have plans," I said trying not to sound rude. We began getting up and gathering our things.
"I didn't even tell you when we were wanting to hang out." In other words: stop being a rude bitch to my new girlfriend. I could see a hurt look in her eyes.
I sighed. "When is it?" My voice sounded irritated without meaning to.
"Tomorrow night." Matts tone was saying there's no way around it. I could feel him begging me to come hang out. Yes I mean feel. Ever since Matt and I were little we always had a "twin power" as we use to call it. We later found out it's just a reaction whenever you spend every second of everyday with that person.
"Okay, my schedule is cleared and tomorrow night would be perfect." I gripped my backpack tight trying not to feel jealous. (of my own brother!)
"Great. Awesome. Yes I can't wait." Matts eyes lit up and Regain's did as well. Something was different with hers though. She had a look of affection?
"Okay well we are going to get going now," Seth said quietly. I could tell he was just as ready to get out of here as much as I was. With a fake smile I pulled Seth with me towards his car.
Once we got into Seth's car he put his head in his hands and leaned on the steering wheel.
"Seth.." I began, but he cut me off.
"How could he not notice, Lizzy!? I've been flirting with him for years and he never even realizes I exist!!" He began sobbing.
I began shushing him with soothing noises. "Hey, would shopping make you feel better? Coffee maybe?"
Seth looked down and wiped his tears. "Could we just go to your place and watch a movie or something?"
   With a nod, he turned the key bringing the car to life and pulled out of the Parking lot.
a/n: okay I'm sorry if it's feeling rushed...I have a huge idea about what's going to happen so I'm anxious to get to that part. Anyways I will try my best to slow it down :)

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