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Coach Sulivan brought the whistle that was hanging around her neck and blew in it. Today's school day was long and tiring. Finally it was swim practice: a time when I can clear my mind.
I got into position on the starting block. My eyes watched the water. Cold, soothing, comforting. My body was itching closer and closer towards the water--
My face hit first. A loud SLAP! The water took me by surprise and I took a deep breath in, inhaling the chlorine filled water. The freezing water had me fluttering for the surface.
Then I stopped. My eyes were opened and I could see everything that was happening. Gravity began pulling me further down towards the bottom of the pool. My oxygen was running low but for some reason I had no desire to go back to the surface. Back to where life was awful and torturous.
My body began to feel light. My eyes closed sending a black shield, I could feel myself drifting away from everyone, from life itself.
I let my eyes shut. Arms then swooped around my body, then I blacked out.
I shot up into a sitting position, coughing hard, spitting up water.
"God damn it Elizabeth!" Coach was looking tired and had worry all over her face. "What were you thinking?!"
I looked around to see that coach wasn't the one who rescued me....it was Regain. Regain looked like she had been crying--hard. When I looked at her she flung her arms around me and sobbed. It took me by surprise. I wrapped my arms around her awkwardly and tried comforting her. What exactly was wrong with her?
Coach took off her hat and rubbed her head. "That's a wrap for practice. Go get changed."
I began getting up and following everyone towards the locker room. Coach grabbed my arm in mid walk and looked at me with a look that didn't look friendly. "You pull something like this again you get say goodbye to swimming for a very long time. Am I clear?"
I nodded.
"Good," she smiled now, "thank you for not dying Liz. Now go get dressed."
I began jogging towards the locker room and punched in my locker combination. Regain's locker must be right in front of mine because when I looked up I saw her--naked. My stomach turned and suddenly I couldn't stop looking. Her body was...perfect. Nobody else was in the locker room to realize was staring either. It was just her and I. I suddenly began feeling like an absolute creep and averted my eyes away.
I pulled my bathing suit off and now I was naked as well. I pulled a towel on around me trying to avert my eyes from my twin brothers girlfriends naked body!
I walked into the shower area of the swim locker room and turned on the water. Hot steaming water began to rain down on me. I closed my eyes, enjoying the relaxing shower.
Suddenly I hear the Curtains open. I swing around, ready to yell at the pervert who was watching me shower, but was cut off by her mouth on mine. At first I was taken by surprise. I held my hands back...was I scared to touch her? What is happening!? Our mouths moved together, she pushed her tongue into my mouth, dancing with mine. She held me Tight to her, our boobs were pushed together and our body was moving together under the hot water. Giving in, I grabbed her thighs and lifted her, pressing her against the wall of the shower. One hand held her up under her ass and the other rubbed her boob--hard. I couldn't stop myself now. I played with her Nipple, rubbing it between two fingers. She moaned softly causing me to become even more turned on.
I set her down, sucking on her neck softly, kissing down to her collarbone an back up to her lips. I ran my hand down her belly towards downstairs--
"Liz, are you okay?" Regain's soft voice snapped me out of my daydream. I began blushing instantly. She was now dressed and beside me. I began stuttering.
"I...just...I'm sorry. I was just thinking and I um I'm sorry." Stop Liz! You're acting stupid!
Regain giggled. I watched her lips wanting to kiss them so bad, I wanted to taste her whole body so bad. Snap out of it, Liz! This is your brothers girlfriend!
    Regain's phone beeped and she checked it. Her smile turned towards a frown. "Damn it. My ride just cancelled on me." She sighed and sat down on the bench.
   "You don't have a ride home?"
   She shook her head. "Your brother's lacrosse practice took longer than usual and he was my only ride."
   "Maybe I can give you a ride?" I suggested. Then I instantly wanted to take it back. Her and me alone in a car together? Bad idea.
   "That'd be great. I was coming to your house anyways." She stood up and held her duffle-bag over one shoulder.
   "Okay." Is all I said. 

We arrived at my house. It wasn't such a bad car ride. Mainly quiet. We listened to the radio majority of the time and the other half she was droning on and on about Matt and how amazing Matt is blah blah blah.
   I shoved the key into the lock and pushed up hard. "Damn--door." I struggled but pushed open the door.
    "Lizzy!" My mom chirped. I groaned. Of course she had to be home.
   "Mom this is Regain, Regain this is my mom." I said lazily and stood waiting for mom to ask what I want for dinner.
    "I am so happy to meet you Regain. You're very beautiful!" Mom dried her hands off from doing dishes and hugged Regain. I wanted to apologize but just sat back and laughed. "Seth is upstairs by the way. He thinks if he sneaks through your window that i won't notice,"
   "Yeah, I know," mom held onto Regain tight, "Mom don't squish her." I laughed harder now, breaking into a huge smile.
    "Its quite alright, Liz." Regain smiled as well.
   Mom pulled away and grinned. "Australian?"
   "British, actually." Regain correctly politely.
    "A British girlfriend? And she's very pretty, Liz. You did good with this one. She's a keeper." Mom winked at me.
   "No! I mean no mom no. This is Matt's girlfriend." I said awkwardly. My face turned red.
   "Lesbian? I didn't know you were homosexual, Liz." Regain said innocently.
   I scratched the back of my head, looking down. "Yeah, um, well Matt should be home soon.  I'll be in my room doing homework. Matts room is down the hall and to the left. Mines in the attic if you need anything." I turned to mom, "don't scare Matts girlfriend away, alright?"
She relied with a soft wink.

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