New Friendships And Old Habits

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Saturday rolled around and I called Karen.

"Hey lady, do you want to go to lunch? It's a nice September day and I want to get out of the house," I stated when she answered the phone.

Karen told me she had a business workshop to attend, so she would be busy most of the day. I wished her well before hanging up the phone, walked into my room, and saw the piece of paper that Carmen handed me. "It wouldn't hurt to call her," I thought to myself.

"Hello," a sexy feminine voice said on the other end.

"Hello may I speak with Carmen?" I said.

"This is she," she replied.

"Hi Carmen, this is Neica," I said rather quietly.

"Hi, Neica, I'm glad you called," she replied.

I gathered from her tone at the club and her voice on the phone, that her personality was always friendly and upbeat. I began, "Yea, well, you said that I could call if I wanted to do lunch. Do you want to grab something and go to Piedmont Park? It's kind of nice outside and..."

She interrupted me. "Yes I would love to. Do you want to meet me somewhere or do you want to come and get me or vice versa?"

"Well I'm not sure what you like to eat or drink, but I was going to get a chicken salad and a bottle of white wine and meet you there at one. I can bring enough for you or if you want something else, it's cool." I said.

"No, that sounds good," she replied.

We said our goodbyes. I got up from my light blue, overstuffed chair and walked across the lightly stained, oak hardwood floor into my bedroom. I dressed in something cute, but comfortable. "My blue and yellow plaid shorts, with a yellow sleeveless, collared polo will do nicely," I thought. I stepped into some ankle socks and my white Reeboks and headed out the door. I knew that most families and singles enjoy Piedmont Park on Saturdays, but I wanted to go to the park today. Like I said, I notice stereotypical things, but I try to do what feels good to me. Carmen didn't seem like the type who would be okay with my personality, but there's nothing wrong with making a new friend.

On my way to Piedmont Park., I stopped and walked into Whole Foods. It was a lazy day, so I walked in and made a right, straight to the salad bar. I put spinach, red leaf lettuce, olives, onions, mushrooms, sprouts, beans, tomatoes, cheese, and chicken into two salad containers. "These salads are going to taste delicious. Shoot, I forgot to ask her what kind of salad dressing she liked. Oh well." I said to myself. I selected a bottle of wine, checked out, and was on my way. I found a parking space near the Tenth Street side entrance at Piedmont Park, a rare find.

As I crossed the street, I could see Carmen waiting for me. She wore  a cute burnt orange sundress that stopped right above her ankles; which was risky considering it was quite cool outside. She did look sexy. "Ok, so I guess we aren't going to walk around the park," I said to myself. She was very sexy. Her long dark hair hung as a perfect frame for her chocolate face. Her breasts were nice and plump. Her waist was small, her hips were just right; and her legs were thick and slimmed down to her feet.

I caught myself starring, so I looked up - at her face. Those jet-black neatly shaped eyebrows, complementing those long eyelashes and brown eyes...

"Yes, Neica, I am Carmen from My Sisters Room," she smiled.

I guess she noticed that I was staring at her.

"Yes, I remember. You look nice. I was just thinking we probably wouldn't do much walking, huh?" I said with a smile.

She blushed a little, took the wine and blanket out of my hand, and replied, "No, I guess not."

We walked over to the left and found a nice spot on the brightest green grass in Atlanta. I know some of the golf course landscapers are jealous. We weren't too close to any families or teenagers; nice.

"Is this spot fine with you?" I asked.

She replied with a nod and a quiet "Yes."

I spread the light green blanket over the ground and we sat down. We ate, sipped New Zealand Pinot Gris, and talked about Atlanta, our jobs, and our families. She seemed really cool. Carmen said she wanted to read her book, so I stretched out on the blanket and took a nap.

"Neica," I felt Carmen's hand in my hair as I opened my eyes.

She was leaning slightly over me.

"I didn't want to wake you but I am going to head home." She said softly.

I glanced at my watch.

"Wow, we've been out here for a while, huh?" I said.

"Yea, but I enjoyed myself," she replied.

She stood up and gathered the trash, and I watched her as she walked to the garbage can. "Cool friend," I thought. I got up, folded the blanket and took my keys out of my pocket.

"Well, I'll see you later," I said as I turned and headed to my car. The sun was still bright. Rollerbladers were making their way along the asphalt. Families were arriving with their children. It was a good Saturday afternoon.

As I drove home, I thought about our conversation. Mostly, I thought about Carmen running her hands through my hair and leaning over me. It was an intimate moment, but I barely knew her. It was sexy. I could now see the appeal in dating an ultra femme. I'm considered a femme. I thought; "I hope she doesn't think I am a stud because I'm not an ultra femme." After assessing the fact that I was thinking way too much, I pulled into the driveway of my powder blue, 50's architecture bungalow.

Walking through my front door, thought about the laundry I'd started that morning, and took a relaxing bath. The vacation is over. Tomorrow, I must start preparing for the work week. During my next vacation, I am going on a trip. Maybe I'll go to Jamaica. I want to lie on the beach and cook for a few hours. I thought about it as I smiled to myself. Maybe Karen and I can go together. She has a girlfriend, so more than likely we won't be able to go alone. She only wanted to go to the club because her girlfriend was on a business trip. She did not take the opportunity to cheat or her girlfriend; just have a little independent fun. The phone broke my thoughts and I realized I'd drifted to sleep.

"Hello," I answered the phone. It was Karen.

"Hey, I was just thinking about you." I said.

I was telling her about my outing with Carmen, when I noticed that my bath water was losing its heat. I told Karen that I'd talk with her later, finished my bath, the laundry, and climbed into bed.

Sunday went by fast and the work week started. Carmen called a couple of times and we talked a little, then a little more. Before I knew it, we were talking more than Karen and I. Every once in a while, on a Saturday, we would go to the park or to a restaurant. We would split the bill or she would pay for an outing and the next time I would pay for an outing. I missed Karen, but her girlfriend was ridiculously jealous. So, I would just call and let her tell me when she could hang out.

Some Netflix movies arrived, so I decided to prepare Chalupas and enjoy a movie night. During my preparations, Carmen called. We conversed for a few minutes and she told me that she was looking for something to do for the evening. I told her my plans for the evening and that she could join me if she liked to come to my house. I finished preparing dinner just as she knocked on the door.

"I thought I'd bring something," Carmen said as she lifted the six pack of Corona in the air. I invited her inside; we prepared our plates and sat on the sofa to watch the movies. We ate, drank, and laughed. During the second movie, I felt Carmen slide closer to me. When I turned to look at her, she leaned toward me seductively and kissed me.

It was a damn good kiss. My body tingled and my breathing became slow and heavy. My eyes closed and she kissed me again. I gently pushed her away and stood up. As I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator, I asked Carmen if she wanted anything to drink. She said no thank you, so I grabbed a Corona and closed the refrigerator. As I leaned against the door, I grabbed the stainless steel woman shaped bottle opener off the granite countertop and opened the beer. I knew that I wasn't ready for a relationship. It is one of the reasons I was okay with being friends with Carmen, because we were just friends. Although I didn't like stereotypes, it's hard to ignore all information about a particular group, based on superficial things. Still, I'd met Carmen several months ago and she was nothing like the stories I'd heard about most ultra femmes. She is a business woman and apparently, she's aggressive. "Carmen is a sexy woman and I love her company, but I'll continue drinking my beer," I thought to myself.

Stereotypes Seduced (Lesbian Erotica)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon