Chapter 6

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May's Pov

I didn't really know what to think about all that happened. I mean David is nice and all, and I like him, but I don't love him. Why did he have to come, of course, I was sad to go, but I wanted to go. Is that weird? I want to go see the world. It is amazing that my best friend took me with her, so I really don't want that all to be interrupted by a boy. I gave Kam a look and nodded my head to an airport store. I smiled at David and stood up and walked over. Soon after, Kam joined me. 

"What's wrong May?" 

"I, I appreciate you calling him, but I kind of wish that you didn't." 

"Wait, did I miss something?" She asked confused. 

"I just, I feel like this was our trip and I don't want him to be with us for it. I don't really love him, I like him, but I don't love him." 

"Oh. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I ruined everything, please don't hate me. I'll tell him to leave." She said frantically, losing her usually calm demeanor.

"It's okay, I think I can do it. Kam, don't panic, it's not your fault it's mine. I was acting like we were soul mates or something." I gave her a weak smile before I was tackled with an infamous Kam hug. It was like twice the power of a bear hug. "Can't.... breathe," I told her while lightly patting her back. She released me and apologized with a worried look on her face. 

"Are you sure that you can do this?" She asks. 

"Honestly, I don't know, I don't want to make him feel bad," I said with a small shrug.  

"Make who feel bad?" David asked as he had come out of nowhere. I looked to Kam with a look of reassurance before she went to sit back down. 

"Listen, David. I really like you, but this was kind of just a trip for me and Kam. I don't want to hurt your feelings, and I hope that we can stay in touch, but I think that it's best if this just stays a trip between me and Kam," I say while I look anywhere, but at him. 

"Oh, I see. Well,I hope you enjoy your trip." He said before turning and leaving. 

"Well that went great," I say to myself before grabbing my things and boarding the plane. This has been a really sucky week. I think before I doze off in my seat. 

~~~~~~~~~Third person pov~~~~~~~~~~~

As Kam put in her earbuds she scrolled through her favorite playlist on Spotify. She felt awful for inviting him to the airport, she almost always knew what her best friend wants. It was strange to see May sad. She always had a happy smile on her face, even when she got mad at Kam for little things. 

Kam sighed and frowned, she was going to have to figure out someway to make it up to her. Maybe just being in Ireland will get her mind off of things. Maybe, just maybe. 

An hour later the intercom dinged and the seatbelt sign came on, the captain's voice boomed overhead of the passengers. Kam took out her ear buds to listen to the announcement. 

"Hello passengers, Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for landing we will be arriving in Dublin in about ten minutes. I hope that you've enjoyed your flight with us on Royal Airlines. Have safe travels" The intercom shut off and Kam turned to wake up May to see her staring out the window in deep thought. Kam reached out and poked May's cheek to gain her attention. May turned in her seat so fast that it was a surprise she didn't get whiplash. 

"Huh?" May questioned confused. 

"We are going to be landing soon, you have to put on your seatbelt," she laughed.

"Oh, I must have spaced off or something.I just really hope that he doesn't feel too bad after what happened in the airport." May said, shrugging her shoulders. 

"Hey," Kam turned to face her, grabbing and shaking her shoulders "Don't feel bad, you told the truth and that's all anyone can ask of you. And if he cannot live with the fact that you didn't want him coming with us on this trip, well, he can go and get over himself." Kam told her in a serious tone. May giggled and nodded her head smiling. 

"Who needs boys anyway, they've got cooties," Kam said in a girly voice. May snorted and laughed loudly earning sideways glances from other people. May laughed and blushed at the staring people. Kam just shook her head with a small smile on her face.

"True, very true," May said in between laughs.

The plane landed roughly,shaking the passengers. The two best friends walked off the plane and out of the airport, taking in Ireland.

824 words. 

Sorry that the update took awhile. I'd love to hear what you think of the chapter. Vote, Comment, and share. 

Lots of Love, 


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