Chapter 11

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Twitter. Tumblr. Facebook.

Each social media site was filled with hate.

Every. Single. One.

Some of it was directed at Mallory, but most was about me, saying I was only there to get in Luke's pants.

Go kill yourself; piece of shit; dramatic; fake; worthless; slut; garbage; disgusting... The list went on. It was all horrible, and made my chest ache. Did all of these people really hate me? Even though they didn't know me, were they sure that they wanted me to die? Were they really so jealous of me, even though I was just there as Ashton's sister and certainly not anything else?

@sincethebeginning: why are you even on tour with them? u don't even like their music ur just their because ur Ash's sister!

"Ugh." I turned ff my phone. Those comments and messages were terrible, directly attacking me as a person. 

"What's up, sis?" Ashton asked, giving me a concerned look.

"Nothing, I'm just tired." I lied.

"Ashy, babe, people on Twitter are being horrible." Mallory pouted. "Look, they keeping calling me ugly and short!"

Ugly and short? Try being called a disgusting slut for once in your life, girl.

"You're not short, you're fun sized. And you're certainly not ugly." Ashton promised, drawing her into his arms. "You're the most beautiful girl that I've ever met."

I stared out the window, frowning. Some of the people on the social media networks had been telling me to cut myself. I don't think any of them really knew that I already did, they were mostly just trying to promote it, but I was still worried. What if someone found out? What if they posted about it? What if someone had a picture of my scars peeking through my bracelets? Ever since Michael found out, it had been my greatest fear that someone else would notice. That couldn't happen. If it did, the news would circle around back to Ash, who would sad for me and angry and hurt with Michael for not telling him about it.

Speaking of Michael...

"Hey, Bro-Bro?" I asked. "Where're Michael and the guys?"

"They're getting candy and stuff at the gas station. Why?"

"I don't know."



Ashton gave me a scrutinizing look. "Is there anything going on between you and Luke?"

I jumped, stammering. "N-no, why?"

"Just wondering, because, you know, the fans have a shipping name for you and everything... "

"Oh, shut up." I threw my pillow at his head.

Ashton caught it and tossed it back to me. "You aren't allowed to date any of those losers."

I rolled my eyes. "Get a life, Ash."

He laughed and Mallory gave me a glare, pushing him down onto a chair and sitting on his lap. I watched as she dusted his brown curls of his forehead, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly, pecking her lips against his nose. Ashton smiled at mumbled something in her ear, which made her laugh.

Instantly, I was jealous. That was my brother she was toying with. She was only doing that cute nose-kissing because I was trying to talk to him, not because she actually wanted to. She was just playing around with him. It made me wonder is she actually cared for him or if she just thought of him as a toy.

Well, it didn't matter. Ashton loved her. That was a good enough reason for me to keep my mouth shut.

The door blasted open.

"Candy!" Luke cried, throwing colorful plastic bags at us. A package of Sour Patch Kids landed in my lap.

"Trade?" I asked hopefully, pointing at the Milk Duds in Calum's hand.

He shrugged. "Sure." 

We switched and Michael started putting sprinkles in my hair.

"Mikey!" I cried, pushing him away. "What are you doing?"

"Turning you into a cupcake."

A cupcake?  "A cupcake?"

"Yep." He looked at me like this was the most logical thing in the world, and then tried to tackle Calum and put sprinkles down his shirt. I giggled as Luke and Ashton cheered for whoever they thought would win. Mallory bit her lip, either thinking it was funny but acting to mature to show it, or being annoyed that the other three had interrupted what she had going on with my brother.

I was glad for the interruption. One more minute of all that stuff and I swear they would have started doing it right then and there. 

"Thanks guys." I grinned, opening my box of candy.

"No problem, Cam- Hey, Calum...!" Luke gasped as Calum started to jump on him and tickle his side. Michael and Ashton joined in, making Luke squirm and kick, gasping and laughing.

"Die!" Ashton cried.

"C-Camden, help m-me!" Luke choked, laughing so hard that he was nearly crying.

I pretended not to hear.

"Sorry, what?"


"Speak up."


"Talk a little louder."

"Camden I swear to God I will buy you another bag of Milk Duds if you save my sorry ass!"

"Damn right."

I grinned and pried the others off of him. Luke gasped before flipping them off, which made me start laughing all over again.

It was in these moments that I couldn't understand why I was so depressed. I had everything I needed and wanted. Friends, my brother, awesome opportunities... I was in America, on tour with the best people in the world (except for Mallory), for crying out loud! Why couldn't I just be happy? Why couldn't I just smile and actually mean it for once? Why couldn't I be normal?



OMG, so so so so so so sorry that this chapter sucks so bad. It's a filler, which is aweful because I hate  filler chapters, but what have I created? 

A filler.

Dun, dun, duuuuuuuun!

More interesting things will be going on in the next chapter or so, I promise! Please keep reading!

Love Ya!!!

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