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       Ashton's P.O.V.
Cal and I were out at a club tonight. I just left the pub and I had nothing to go home to since it's too late to play the drums so I called Cal up. He's always up for a party. I was sitting in the lounge with a beer in my hand. Music blared through the building. A drunk blonde with way too little clothing tramped her way towards Cal and I. I recognized her. Her name was Alyssa. I couldn't stand her. She's my ex girlfriend. She used to be the sweetest girl ever but one day she hooked up with another guy when we were still together and couldn't get enough. I broke up with her. She jumped from guy to guy constantly. I wonder how many STDs she has.
"Hey cutie." She slurred climbing on to Calum's lap.
"Get off of me you slut." He groaned. "I came here to chill, not to find a fuck buddy. I have a girlfriend." She rolled her eyes. She strolled over to me and climbed into my lap.
"You were always my favorite." She smirked sliding her hand under my shirt and trying to unbutton my pants.
"Listen here. You have way too much confidence for as ugly as you are. Get off of me." I growled. I don't deal with girls like this.
"Ash," she climbed off of me. She pressed her lips to my neck. "You'll regret denying me."
"Cal. Let's go. I can't do this." I stood up causing Alyssa to fall in the floor. Call stood up behind me and we left.
         I went home and took 2 showers because Alyssa left me feeling dirty and contaminated. I didn't want to risk getting an STD even though we didn't do anything so it wasn't possible. Who knows though? maybe she has a rare condition that can transfer them through saliva. Better to be safe than sorry. I put on my pajamas and sat down in my living room. I was so tempted to go play my drums.
Caitie's P.O.V.
I couldn't sleep. Probably my insomnia. I decided to text Ashton.
Me: Hey you up?
He replied instantly.
Ashton: Yeah are you okay?
Me: Can't sleep.
Ashton: Do you want to come over?
Me: Sure. Let me freshen up.
Ashton: Okay.
I got up out of my bed and looked in the mirror. I looked like hell. There was still residue from my black lipstick spread across my lips and the corners of my mouth. My makeup was smudged and my hair was tangly. I got a makeup wipe and cleaned my makeup up. Then I fixed my hair so I didn't look too homeless. I changed out of my childish pajamas and put a tank top and shorts on. I put on my flip flops. I grabbed my phone, my keys, and my camera and walked over to Ashton's room. I knocked on the door.
"Hey." He greeted me.
"H-hey." I stuttered. He had on no shirt and joggers.
"Come in." He opened the door wider. I looked around. The flat was a lot cleaner than it was the other day.
"You cleaned I see." I laughed.
"It's always clean. Michael came over and made a mess though."
"Oh my gosh I hate when people do that."
"Same because I always have to clean up after then. Do you want to watch a movie or something?"
"Sure. Sounds good."
"Okay. You can pick something out. I have this weird program. It's kind of like Netflix but I can watch every movie if they've been or are in theaters."
"Sweet!" I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote.
"I'm gonna go make some popcorn."
I decided on suicide squad. I heard really good things about it.
"What'd you choose?" Ashton asked sitting down next to me and placing the bowl of popcorn in the middle of us.
"Suicide squad."
"Perfect. I haven't watched it yet."
I popped a piece of popcorn in my mouth and pressed play.
The movie was over and it was only 4am. Ashton and I were not tired at all. I considered asking if he wanted to watch another movie but I had a better idea.
"Ashton. Do you want to build a fort?" I asked. He burst out laughing and I get red, embarrassed.
"Duh!" He smiled.
"Yay!" Relief flooded over me.
          I climbed into our huge fort which covered the whole room. Sheets and blankets were everywhere. We had a pile of pillows and blankets set up next to the window so when we got tired we could look out onto the city. We put some string lights in there too to make it cozy. When we finally finished, I was exhausted. I crawled up next to the window and covered up. Soon, sleep took over me.
         The bright shine shown into the room, waking me up. I felt a weight on my side. I looked to see Ashton's arm wrapped around my waist. I crawled out of the fort slowly, careful not to woke up. I grabbed my phone off the living room table and checked the time. It was 2:04 pm. I missed like all of my classes!! I called Calum.
"Caitie I'm in class!" He scream whispered.
"Geesh. Sorry. Are you on your period or something?" I chuckled.
"Fuck off." I could sense him rolling his eyes.
"Calum. I don't really care if you do bad in this class or not, I'm getting paid either way. But there are people who care about their education so could you please not disrupt us with profanity?" A muffled voice transferred through the receiver. I assumed it was the professor. I exploded in laughter and the line went dead. I heard shuffling behind the fort, causing me to realize how loud I laughed. I didn't want Ashton to know I was still here so I quickly exited his apartment.
           Ashton's P.O.V.
I woke up because of someone's loud laugh. I assumed it was Caitie so I sluggishly crawled out of the fort we built the night before. She was no where to be seen.
"Caitie?" I called. No answer. As I walked into the living room, I seen the door shut. I shrugged it off. I guess she had somewhere to be.

CHAPTER FRICKING 3! IM NOT SLACKING IN THIS STORY YALL!!!! Okay. Gtg. Got to work on chapter 4. Ttyl! Feel free to leave me reviews!

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