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Caitie's P.O.V.
I was sitting on my bed scrolling on my phone. Suddenly, there was a very harsh banging on my door. I got nervous so I called Calum.
"Calum." I said panicking. "Someone's banging on my door." I thought someone was trying to break in so I was on the verge of tears.
"It's me Caitie. I have exciting news!!" He said happily. I hung up and ran to the door and he rushed in, engulfing me in a hug. I nearly fell backwards but caught myself.
"Chill! What's the news?" I said happy for him.
"So Ashton joined the band-" I interrupted him and started squealing. "But it doesn't end there!" He smiled.
"What else?! What else?!" I was very impatient and excited.
"We have a gig at the Hordern Pavilion!!"
"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" I screamed.
"There's more." His eyes scrunched up since he was smiling so big. The anticipation was killing me. "It's supposed to be a full house so almost 6,000 people are coming to watch us! And andddddd- guess what?" He teased.
"Some of them are a few record deals coming to see if they wanna sign us!" He hugged me, squeezing the life out of me.
"Cal! I'm so fucking happy for you!" I kissed his cheek.
"Caitie I have a request."
"What's that?"
"If we get signed, me and the boys talked about it, we want you to be the opening act."
"Hell no cal! I can't sing!"
"Caitie! Are you kidding me? Yes you can! Please? I've heard you sing. Caitie you're amazing. I want you to be the opening act at the pavilion. Please." He gave me his puppy dog eyes.
"Fine! Fine."
"You're the best!!!!" He hugged me again. "Can I help you write a song?"
"Sure." I smiled.
"Okay! Let's go get something to eat. You have 2 weeks to write it, learn it and record it. In case we do get signed, we both need EPs."
"Cal.. I.. I love you! Thank you so much! You're the best!" He grabbed my hand and we went to go eat.
- 13 days later -
(So we are going to pretend like Halsey is the voice of Caitie and her songs are Caitie's. Please don't get offended! Halsey is my queen. I'm sorry I had to.)
Calum and I just finished up in the studio. It was so hard. It took 3 days for us to write the song and me to learn it and then 10 days to record it. I learned it by heart since I had to sing the same lines over and over every time I messed up. We finished my first song, ghost.
"You are so ready for tomorrow, Caitie." He patted my back.
"I'm nervous."
"Don't worry. You'll be perfect."
I smiled at his encouragement. I got a text from Ashton.
Ashton: Can I hear the song?
Me: -1 attachment-
A few minutes later he replied.
Ashton: So catchy! I love it!
Me: thank you!
Ashton: come to my place?
Me: sure. I'll be there in a bit.
Ashton: okay love.
"Hey Cal. I'm gonna go to Ashton's." I said.
"I don't want you over there." Calum looked at me sternly.
"Excuse me? You don't own me."
"Caitie. I said don't go. "
"Give me one reason!" I raised my voice. He has no right to choose where I can and can't go.
"Ashton's bad. He'll hurt you Caitie. Obviously not physically but mentally. He's gonna break your heart." His voice was really serious.
"Whatever Calum. Ashton wouldn't ever. He's not like that." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff and walked out.
I sat down in my car, soaked from the pouring rain. I was pissed. I got a text and I checked it.
Calum: Im trying to protect you Caitie.
I ignored it and drove to Ashton's house.
        I sat down on the couch with Ashton. He turned on the tv and I cuddled up next to him. We got really close during the two weeks I was working on the song.
"You have a beautiful voice." He smiled, flashing his prized dimples. He was so beautiful. I looked at his plum lips and back up to his eyes. I noticed he was doing the same thing.
"Thanks." I whispered, concentrating on the feeling between us. He placed his hand on my cheek and pulled my face closer to his.
"May I?" He asked. I nodded. Our lips connected sending butterflies throughout my stomach. I pulled away and brushed a fallen curl away from his face, then connected our lips again. The kiss got heavier and I climbed on to his lap and straddled him. I heard shuffling behind us but I wasn't paying attention to it. I was so concentrated on Ashton.
"Babe. I brought home din-" I heard a girls voice and i turned around. Ashton pushed me off of his lap. I fell in the floor and Ashton ran past me. I was so confused. The girl started crying.
"Alyssa! I swear it's not what it looks like. She crawled on me and started kissing me. She's such a slut." Ashton snarled at me.
"Fuck you." I'm assuming Alyssa was her name looked at me and threw up her middle finger.
"Are you serious Ashton? This has to be a prank! You never told me you had a girlfriend!"
"You never asked. Plus I never thought there'd be a reason to. I thought we were just friends, Caitie. I didn't expect you to crawl on top of me and try to make out with me." I had no idea what was wrong with Ashton. I thought he was so sweet.
"Fuck you Ashton! I hate you." I grabbed my purse and keys and shoved past him but was stopped when Alyssa slammed me against the wall.
"Listen here, slut. Don't fucking touch my boyfriend ever again!" She punched me in my eye. I nearly passed out. She might look scrawny but that bitch was strong. I fell down on the floor and held my eye, crying. I finally had the strength to stand up. I walked up to Ashton.
"Calum was right." I cry-whispered. I smacked him as hard as I could. There was a sorry look in his eyes. Who knows though. That could be an act too.

Uh ohhh. Why is Ashton with Alyssa? I thought he hated her. OML I AM SO MAD AT ASHTON. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM. Haha jk. I know what happened/ happens. Love ya.

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