Chapter 3

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The cool breeze of the morning air was awakening to me. It rather seemed to relive my body as a fresh start of a new day, even if I just threw up again. Right after it happened I made a quick call to one of the doctors that we have instead of troubling Ronan since he's busy figuring out who caused the disaster from the yesterday.

I change into fresh new clothes and leave my bedroom and walk down to the doctors corridor. It was one the first floor in the left corridor and was mainly there for my purpose because vampires rarely get sick or injured since they have heightened abilities giving them good health and fast recovery.

I softly knock on the wooden door and silently wait for a response of any sort. Seconds go by and the door quickly opens and I'm face to face with the palace doctor. He gives me a short bow and opens space for me to walk in.

"Good evening my Queen for what do I owe the pleasure to?" The doctor questions.

"I think I might have caught a flu of some sort. I was wondering if you could check it out and get medication for it" I explain. He nods his head in understanding and points to a bed.

"Here sit here and I'll run some tests for you" he says as he leaves.

I take a seat on the hard mattress as I wait for the doctor. A few moments later he walks back in with test tubes and needles. I cringe at the sight of the pointy object. I was never one to be good with needles.

"Alright so I'm just going to take some blood samples. Don't worry it's not that bad my Queen" he reassures with a sincere smile. I half smile back as I take a deep breath as I hold out my arm an d he rubs antibacterial on my skin. I flinch slightly from the pinching feeling in my arm. I look down and watch as my blood passes through the small tube and into small test tubes. I get queasy from the sight and have to turn away.

The sound of tape ripping gets my attention as I feel the small needle leave my skin. The doctor quickly wipes off the excess blood and puts a small bandaid over it to keep it from infections.

"Okay that should do it. I should have these done by early tonight" he tells me as he ushers for me to get off the bed. I slid off the mattress and stand tall on my feet.

"Thank you" I reply.

"Anything for my Queen."

I smile graciously and walk towards the exit. As I leave the corridor I decide to stop in the kitchen and grab a snack. I opened the large door into the enormous space and find myself searching through the fridge. My mouth instantly started to water at the sight of ice cream that I was now suddenly craving. Without another thought I take the whole container and a spoon not even bothering to put it in another bowl as I walk up to my room.

As soon as I enter the room I sit my ice cream on the table next to me reading chair that's near the fireplace. I decide to walk over and start a fire since it's a little chilly and I'll already be cold from eating ice cream. Once the fire blazed I grabbed a throw blanket and wrapped it around my body as I took place in my chair and started away with my cold deliciousness. A soft moan rumbles through my throat at the taste of the ice cream. It's been way too long since I've last had it.

My mind wonders to Ronan. Haven't talked to him much since the other day. Did they figure out who was responsible? No, they couldn't have because he would have spoken to me about it. I decide to just brush it off and continue eating my ice cream and watch as the wood cracks under the fire.

It felt like forever as I was just about down with the ice cream when the door slammed open. I jump at the sudden noise and quickly turn around to see Ronan with a folder full of paper work. He rushes towards me and grabs me by my arm not even bothering to wait for me to get on my feet as he pulls me with him and the ice cream container falls to the ground spilling some melted drops.

"Jesus Ronan! What is the rush?! You just made me spill ice cream on the rug!" I yell infuriated.

"We found who did it" was his simple response that immediately had me drawn in completely forgetting about everything else. We stop at his desk and he drops the folder on the desk watching me carefully.

"Well aren't you going to open it and tell me?!" I ask a bit annoyed from being very eager to get to the bottom of this mess.

He slide the folder towards my way and I quickly pick it up and open it. I was in full concentration reading over everything speedily but being sure I was getting all the information that I needed.

"We found sightings of a group, a rebellious one. They call themselves 'The Ravagers' and we believe that their leader is a young women, a human. Her name is-"

"Elizabeth" I break him off as I look at her file my eyes widen as I read her name over and over again not believing what's right in front of me. I refuse to believe but there it is her picture. The same short dark hair and dark eyes. But there was something different about her. She didn't look like her normal self, she looked vicious, and menace-full. Ronan catches the look on my face as he gives me a concerned look.

"Piccolo uccello, what's wrong?" He asks distressed.

"I know her" I reply blatantly.

"What do you mean?" He questions anxiously.

"She was my best friend."



God I feel like the worst updater ever ughh I'm sorry everyone I hope that you can understand that I'm very busy but now that soccer just ended I have more time on my hands but I'm also now working more until basketball starts in a couple weeks.

BUT I'm going to try to update again in the next couple of days. Key word try, I'm very awful at updating :(

Well I hope you guys enjoyed his chapter;)

Your guys' comments honestly make my day XD

So keep commenting! And voting:)

Until next time xx


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