Chapter 9

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The hallway was dark and covered in cob webs from being vacant for so many years. The temperature down here was even colder than I would of imagined as goosebumps cover my skin. Ronan comes to a stop as he fumbles with keys in his pocket searching for the right one. He finds the one that fits the lock as he turns the key and the door opens.

It looks like a normal room newly renovated for high living coordinates. Specially made for a pregnant women to be kept in hiding. There was a bed, bathroom, and even a small kitchen filled to the top with food that wouldn't expire for at least 6 months. These children will be birthed in at least 3 months. Plenty of time so no one would have to come down here to restock. I really was being sheltered from the rest of the world.

"You have everything that you could need down here. No one will find you. You'll be safe." He says in a reassuring voice. I couldn't tell if he was trying to convince me or himself.

A lonely tear rolls down my cheek as I observe the room coming to conclusion of what my life is going to be. It's like being a slave all over again. Being trapped down here like some rapid animal. Ronan is quick to my side as his finger brushes away my tears and he runs his other hand through my hair and rubs the back of my neck.

"Shh Miabella it's alright. Everything will be just fine if you stay down here and no one finds you. You'll be safe" he kept repeating over and over again in my ear. I think he's lost his mind. His mood swings are becoming unbearable. First he was ready to kill these babies and now he has me locked in the deepest part of the castle to keep me 'safe'.

I push him away from me anger taking control over my body. He stumbles a little at the surprising force but regains his footing in 2 steps.

"No Ronan! How is this going to keep me safe?! Leaving me locked down here like some fugitive! I'm not a slave anymore! I'm your wife! I belong by your side as Queen to help, pregnant or not! I'm a human being, the mother of your unborn children, the love of your life! You can't treat me like this!" I lashed out on him. I could feel my blood boil to the surface out of rage. I knew my eyes were glowing purple from the strong feeling of hurt and anger. They only glow purple when I'm having a strong feeling.

He starts to laugh to himself. Seriously Ronan? What the hell is wrong with him?

"I can't have you up there roaming around in plain sight because you are pregnant and carrying the heir to the throne! You were already a weakness of mine before and it can't be known to anyone that my wife is carrying my unborn children! It's a greater weakness before! I don't know what I would do if you or them got hurt or worse" his voice trails off at the end of his words as he kneels down in front of my and places his hands on my bump.

"You have to understand Mia. I was only mad because I'm scared to lose you. I'm not good with dealing my feelings but I would do anything I could to keep my family safe even if it means that you have to be down here. I'm sorry piccolo uccello" his voice trails off. He wraps his arms strongly around my shoulders pushing my head into his chest. My arms lay lifeless at my side feeling betrayed and abandoned.

"Asciugare le lacrime il mio amore" he whispers softly in my ear as his one hand runs his fingers through my hair trying to calm my uneasiness but it has no effect. I can't believe he's doing this to me. To us.

I gently pull away from his hold and turn my back towards him it wanting to face those ocean blues eyes that always held my captivated.

"Mia" he begins.

"Just go Ronan. You've caused enough damage as it is, don't make it worse" I counter back blankly.

I hear a heavy sigh come from him followed by soft footsteps leading towards the door. The sound of creaking rings through the room and the empty hallway. At last the clicking of a lock rings through my ears as tears start to pour down my face again.

I bring myself to the bed and lay down and cradle myself in a ball as my cries shake my entire body and echo against the walls surrounding me. They might as well be cell bars. This room might as well just be a hard cold cemetery ground bare of anything and shackles around my ankles and wrists. To be a slave all over again. This time it feels worse. The first time I was a mere child with no clue of the world and my place in it. And now I'm an adult, Queen, and soon to be mother. It feels 10x worse knowing your place and finally know where you belong only to have it ripped out from your delicate hands and stomped on right in front of your eyes crushing your heart with every beating to it.

After some time I decide to pull myself up and take a relaxing bath to soothe my aching body. When I get to the bathroom I turn the hot water knob on and strip down so that I'm bare. Glancing in the full body mirror I notice my once small bump that was barely noticeable was now very noticeable and was no longer small. I sigh as I turn the knob back off and step into the steaming water. My body emerges into the water and immediately my body becomes less tense.

My eyes flutter close letting the darkness consume my vision. I let my mind wander to a blank calming my emotions, just relaxation.

Just as I was about to drift into unconscious a pain shoots through my stomach causing me to sit up and hold the spot. I look down and my eyes grow wide at the sight. As another pain shoots through my body that outline of a foot pushing through my skin. I knew babies kicked but I didn't think that you could see their foot?! Yet again these aren't just normal babies.

"Ahh!" I wince as I feel 2 more. Probably one from each baby.

I rub the skin of my abdomen lightly smoothing the pain away. I breath in and out deeply. These babies will be the death of me.



Yay I updated twice in the same week!

Sorry about taking so long! I've been so busy with Senior Ball, work, getting paperwork sent in for college, and GRADUATION! So happy that I'm finally done with high school! But I'm officially a freshman, again. Ugh.

But I really hope you guys are enjoying this so far! Let me know what you guys think! And your ideas of what's to come next😉

Like always remember to vote and add my story to your reading lists as well☺️

Until next time xx


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