Chapter 8

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Pain spread through my chest. These are the conditions and either way I lose something. I lose the innocent being in my stomach that doesn't deserve any of this. Or I lose the person I've been through hell and back for, the person I would give my life to.

He didn't even wait for an answer from me as he storms out of the room not saying another word or looking my way. The room felt colder as the question dawns on me and my responsibility as a mother and as a Queen.

The door silently creaks open as the doctor's face emerges through the opening. His facial features showed sympathy, as tears brimmed my eyes.

His eyes lingered to the ground as lonely tears trickled down my cheeks falling into the palm of my hands.

"My Queen with all do respect this isn't necessarily my place to say this but in this situation I must" the doctor suddenly spoke drawing my attention. I look into his eyes waiting for him to continue.

"This doesn't seem like majesty. I've know him since he was just a small boy. He's kind and caring and protective of young life. I know deep down he wants a child, an heir. There must be some condition that is happening that he doesn't want to interfere with his mindsets and duties as King. It's not easy to juggle around being a King and a new father ma lady. But with ever choice you choose I assure you he'll still love you just the same. You just have to give him time and space" he explains.

He's right. We are dealing with these uprising rebels that are getting closer to the castle and spreading through the village. Lead by my best friend whom I thought was dead. And now he has to deal with protecting his people and his family plus an heir to the throne. It's a lot to handle especially for a King.

"I suppose you're right. Thank you doctor" I reply as I get up from the bed and walk back towards Ronan and I's corridors.

During the distance from the hospital corridors to mine it gave me time to rethink over everything and I know what I must do now.

When I reach our room I'm not surprised to see it empty and bare. I start a fire and grab a blanket as I sit in a lounge chair next to the fireplace. The wood cracks and sparks under the fires heat as I stare trying to put my mind at ease. Stress isn't good for me and especially the babies. I know Ronan's duties and I now know mine. I place a hand on my growing bump as I sigh softly. I must protect these children with my life. No harm will ever come their way.

A soft knock came from the other side of the door as my head turns slightly to see whom it was coming from. The door knob turns slowly as the door creaks open and Lia's head peeks in. I turn my head back towards the fire as she walks in taking a seat next to me.

"I'm sorry about Ronan Mia. He's so stubborn sometimes. He doesn't think before he says something. He didn't mean what he said I just know he doesn't. That's not like my brother. He may be cold and merciless at times but he has the biggest heart out of the 3 of us. He's the oldest and now King so he feels that he has to have this stern demeanor and facade all the time." She says to me. I turn to her sadness covering my facial features.

"You should of seen the look on his face when he saw me. When he saw the ultrasound of not 1 but 2 babies. The playful, loving Ronan wasn't there. He was disgusted, and filled with hatred. He said he wanted nothing to do with them and wanted them disposed of and if I didn't he was going to lock me away from everyone. Why?" I choked at the end as tears stream down my face once again.

She stands as she sits in the chair with me cradling me in her arms as the tears flow.

"I don't know. I wish I knew Mia I really do" she whispers.

Suddenly the doors slams open and breaks off the hinges as it flies into the wall cracking it. There in the door way stood Ronan, infuriated. Lia quickly stands up standing in a guarding stance in front of me.

"Move out of my way Amelia" Ronan speaks through clenched teeth.

Lia crosses her arms across her chest as if testing her brothers patience. His eyes are dark and black coated in anger.

"You won't do anything to hurt me and especially her" she says confidently. Ronan stands up straighter and raises a brow.

"Oh is that so? You think just because you're my sister won't mean that I won't snap your neck if you're in my way of business. Think again Lia!" He retorts as he begins to take slow steps forward.

"Jesus Ronan what has crawled up your ass and started living in it?! You're telling me that you would kill your wife?! The love of your life? Your mate? The bearer of your children!" She screams at him flailing her arms everywhere. He stops in his tracks standing directly in front of her. His facial expression is full of shock and he glances towards me and looks back at her raising his hand.

"You don't know anything Lia so don't act like it. And especially don't act like the hero right now trying to act as a protector of her and those things growing inside her! You're pathetic and weak that's why mom and dad always locked you up inside this place so that you wouldn't cause them anymore trouble than you already do! You're just a burden and those things in there are an even more burden and deserve to be rid of!" He shouts at her while wrapping his hand around her neck and throwing her into the wall knocking her unconscious on impact.

"As for you, you're coming with me" he says angrily as his hand grips my upper arm and rips me from out of my seat and drags me out of the room.

"Ronan you can't do this. I thought you loved me" I plead trying to pull back from his grip but it was useless.

Suddenly he comes to a complete stop and turns to me pushing me into the wall while his hands push my shoulders into the wall caging me.

"I do. I do love you. But you've left me no choice! I have to do this. It's the only way to keep you safe. You're a distraction in this state. A weakness that has to be hidden from the enemy that is ready to come knocking on our door which I can't allow to happen! Your best friend that you once knew is a killer of my kind, of my people! Her and her followers of rebels must be destroyed!" He says heavily while his fingers moved to my face caressing my skin.

I lift my hand to rest on his cheek. He flinched from the touch but starts to relax.

"Ronan we can do this together. We're a team remember? We can figure this out. I'm sure if she saw me and we talked it out we cou-"

"You really think that she would listen to you like good old time friends seeing each other after years?! She's a killer Mia! She hates my kind and she'll hate you for being a leader to this kind a carrier to this line! She will kill you the moment her eyes see your figure!" He begins to drag me further down a dark and secluded hallway down towards the dungeons away from all living existence.

"That why you must be put down here so she can't find you! So no one can find you! You'll be safe." He tells me as he continues to pull on my arm. It hits me as we pass the part of the dungeons basements where criminals are brought to be killed. I'm being put in the deepest of the palace where no one could find me. Ever.

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